It’s fascinating to watch how easy it is for the corporate media’s institutional bias to successfully direct the dumb gaze of the sleepwalkers to its chosen angle so that the parameters of debate are squeezed and narrowed until they include only its own perspective. In this case it’s, ‘is Russell Brand a hypocrite?’
Welfare State
The plot to keep Corbyn out of power
Listing the ways the state-corporate media have sought to undermine Corbyn would sound preposterous to anyone not deeply immersed in these media-constructed narratives. But almost all of us have been exposed to this kind of “brainwashing under freedom” since birth.
The Disastrous Brexit Plan You Knew Nothing About
Imagine a Britain, with no NHS (US senators have already said they hope the health service in Britain will be up for grabs in any future deal), ever decreasing job security, ever rising inequality, failing education, transport, policing and other public services. All of this is a new market to be exploited. This is where the EU/US trade deal called TTIP failed. But a post-Brexit trade deal with the US will be as Jean Blaylock from the Independent says, it’s “TTIP on steroids.”
How Billionaires Become Billionaires
America has the greatest inequalities, highest mortality rate, most regressive taxes, and largest public subsidies for bankers and billionaires of any developed capitalist country.
In this essay we will discuss the socio-economic roots of inequalities and the relation between the concentration of wealth and the downward mobility of the working and salaried classes.
May Day, May Day! The Tory ship is sinking
John Rees on the reasons for the Tory debacle and what comes next
You Won’t Believe What The Government Is About To Privatise Next
In the eyes of profiteers, there’s money to be made from debt, especially from the poor. Privatisation of the court bailiff system is like privatising parking enforcement – and look where that led – scandal after scandal. The civilianisation of law enforcement has always proved to be much worse than when managed by government with civilian scrutiny. This, like so many other privatisation projects this will end in failure with the over-stretched citizenry shouldering the burden of government incompetence and the poor exploited even further.
Does Corbyn have a Messiah Complex?
Corbyn only got chosen as it was his turn. The left in the Labour Party were a rump consisting of about dozen or so MPs, and everyone else had had a go. He never wanted to be PM. He never chased office. He has the lowest expenses returns of any MP. He’s been consistent in his views throughout his life, voting according to his principles.
Grenfell Tower and the Search for Truth
This article is dedicated to all those who search for a full understanding of the tragedy at Grenfell Tower, both official and unofficial investigators. Most of all, it is for the survivors of the inferno, and the friends and relatives of those who were lost. It is offered in the hope that it will help you find the right questions to ask.
Grenfell is a Monument to Tory Britain
In memory of those who perished and whose deaths are indistinguishable from the fact they were poor and working class, let Grenfell be the line over which Tory greed and mendacity does not pass.
The Facts Proving Corbyn’s Election Triumph
With Corbyn, the election campaign proved that there is a huge appetite for his honesty, his passion, his commitment to social justice – at least when audiences got a chance to hear from him directly, rather than having his policies and personality mediated and distorted by a biased and self-serving corporate media.
Tories Leap Into the Unpopularity Abyss
The DUP are corrupt, homophobic, racist and above all religious bigots of the worst kind. The nastiest people in politics. The utterly discredited Theresa May refuses to resign and intends to continue to rule over us with the support of this ugly faction. Popular support for the Tory government is going to plunge to unprecedented levels.
Why Corbyn Might Just Win
On Friday morning the vast majority of the world may well have a lot to celebrate, a principled socialist may have defied the ruling-class in becoming the Prime Minister of the world’s fifth largest economy. If this happens the world will never be the same again.