President Richard Nixon: ‘Just because someone wants to become a martyr does not mean that we can allow this kind of large-scale theft or else it will happen in all spheres of government. We have to keep an eye on the main target. The main target is Ellsberg. We have to catch this son of a bitch.‘ Here at BSNews […]
The Syrian Arab Army is our “family” – interview with Syrian patriot and heroine, Salam Alawi
Interview with a true Syrian patriot and heroine – Salam Alawi, President of Al Thawra basketball club, Damascus. Damascus July 2019- Meeting Salam Alawi was one of the most meaningful encounters of my whole time in Syria. A woman with a depth of compassion and kindness that outshone all of the tragedy we talked about during our short time together. […]
White Helmets alleged involvement in organ, child trafficking and staged events in Syria – Vanessa Beeley interview.
On the 4th April 2019 I joined Ryan Cristian, founder of The Last American Vagabond, to discuss the latest claims made by Syrian civilians that the UK Foreign Office-financed, promoted and protected intelligence asset, the White Helmets, are participating in cross-border organ trafficking operations, child abduction and the production of staged events designed to facilitate further aggressive intervention by the U.S/U.K-led coalition. […]
Endgame for Assange
The theatre director Angela Richter visited WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in Ecuador’s embassy in London. For the last time, she fears. Julian Assange looks very pale. “Pale” isn’t quite accurate; his skin looks like parchment, almost translucent. He hasn’t seen the sun for almost seven years. He sits opposite to me in the so-called Meeting Room of the Ecuadorian Embassy […]
EXCLUSIVE: Vanessa Beeley Interviews Yemen’s Ministry of Health Spokesperson, Dr Youself Al-Haderi
The “humanitarian” tragedy in Yemen has been in the news a lot recently. What most media and NGOs fail to clarify is that this is not some mysterious “famine” that has organically transpired as a result of a war – the Yemeni people are being deliberately starved and that starvation is aided and abeted by the UN and a number of its […]
BSNews Co-editor Mike Raddie talks with RT about White Helmets
BSN co-editor Mike Raddie discusses funding of the White Helmets and how British citizens could be on the wrong side of anti terrorism legislation by paying taxes which the UK government is providing to this terrorist group in Syria.
Eastern Ghouta Testimonies
Seven short films showing the brutality and depravity of life under terrorist occupied Eastern Ghouta. These heartbreaking testimonies also expose the White Helmets’ true colours – not just a propaganda construct, but a psycological black op deeply embedded with western backed terrorist groups and contriving to escalate the crisis by concocting a pretext for full UK / US invasion.
BSNews talks with writer, historian and activist, Dean Henderson
On 30th October 2017 BSNews eds had the honour of interviewing the legend that is writer, historian and activist, Dean Henderson, who hooked up with us direct from deepest Missouri.
‘Western Propaganda is Paid for in Syrian Blood’ – Dr Bouthaina Shaaban Talks to Vanessa Beeley
“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.” ~ George Orwell. The media furore surrounding the now viral image of wounded Syrian child, Omran Daqneesh, in terrorist-held eastern Aleppo, Syria is still raging, while the push back against the tide of western-sponsored anti-Syrian State propaganda reveals itself to be strengthening […]
Interview with President of Russia Vladimir Putin
We strongly objected to developments taking place, say, in Iraq, Libya or some other countries. We said: “Don’t do this, don’t go there, and don’t make mistakes.” Nobody listened to us! On the contrary, they thought we took an anti-Western position, a hostile stance towards the West. And now, when you have hundreds of thousands, already one million of refugees, do you think our position was anti-Western or pro-Western?
Noam Chomsky on Institutional Stupidity
Individual stupidity can be remedied, but institutional stupidity is much more resistant to change. At this stage of human society, it truly endangers our survival. That’s why I think institutional stupidity should be a prime concern.
Does Washington Intend War With Russia
While the US was focused on its MidEast wars, Putin restored Russia and blocked Washington’s planned invasion of Syria and bombing of Iran. The “first objective” of the neocon doctrine was breached. Russia had to be brought into line. That is the origin of Washington’s attack on Russia. The dependent and captive US and European media simply repeats “the Russian Threat” to the public, which is insouciant and otherwise uninformed.