Why Corbyn Might Just Win

On Friday morning the vast majority of the world may well have a lot to celebrate, a principled socialist may have defied the ruling-class in becoming the Prime Minister of the world’s fifth largest economy. If this happens the world will never be the same again.

General Election 2017: Jeremy Corbyn launches Labour manifesto in Yorkshire

Even in opposition Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership and surging popularity has been the right-wing establishment’s worst nightmare. So a Corbyn victory will end the repetitive nightmares of such elites, if only because they will never be able to sleep soundly under his principled leadership of the British economy.

Yet amidst peaking hysterical theatrics about the coming of the devil himself, the Tory press are not so stupid as to fail to acknowledge the real threat posed by Corbyn to their own tax h(e)avens.

The Daily Express thus reports with horror “The Prime Minister’s bungled manifesto launch and ‘dementia tax’ U-turn has turned voters away, while Jeremy Corbyn’s left-wing manifesto has proved hugely popular.” Whitehall officials are reportedly being “told to prepare for hung parliament.”

An outcome that “If accurate,” the Express explains, “would represent a massive failure for the Conservatives, who were enjoying a double-digit lead when Theresa May called the snap election.” (June 7)

Or as the Daily Mail has recently been forced to admit, “Labour has strengthened in the polls, to the point at which it is just conceivable — if still unlikely — that we could be waking up to a Jeremy Corbyn premiership on Friday morning.” (June 6) “The party has experienced a stunning reversal of fortunes since the snap election was called, going from being 24 points behind the Conservatives to a single point behind in a poll released earlier this week.” (June 7)

Everything is to play for — all the more so because polls are notorious for their inability to predict when the British public are readying themselves to bloody the nose of the establishment.

Corbyn’s rise to the leadership of what is now Western Europe’s largest social-democratic party has already vindicated socialist ideas as an alternative to capitalism, and this election will bring hope to the many, and cold sweats to the few.

Originally published: Michael Barker (Counter Punch)

Michael Barker is the author of Under the Mask of Philanthropy (2017)


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