Last week, seven years after the Iraq Inquiry was set up, Sir John Chilcot finally delivered his long-awaited report. Although it stopped short of declaring the Iraq war illegal, and although it failed to examine the real motives for war, the report was not quite the whitewash that had been feared by peace campaigners. Lindsey German, convenor of the Stop […]
Chilcot Reports
To Prosecute Blair for War You Do Not Need the ICC
To prosecute Tony Blair or George W. Bush or others responsible for the criminal attack on Iraq, or other top officials for other recent wars, does not require the International Criminal Court (ICC). It is commonplace to insist that the ICC cannot handle the supreme crime of aggression, although it might at some point in the future. The United States […]
The Guardian Puts a Positive Spin on Chilcott Findings
It will be no surprise to readers of this blog that I believe Tony Blair should be put on trial for crimes against humanity for assisting George Bush in attacking Iraq in 2003. The Chilcot inquiry, however compromised its members were by their establishment ties and however cautious they were in their use of language, have very belatedly reached the […]
Chilcot’s blind spot: Iraq War report buries oil evidence, fails to address motive
The long-awaited Chilcot Report was finally released today, examining the UK’s involvement in the Iraq War and occupation. Unfortunately, on the most important question, the report’s conclusions are all but silent: why did the UK go to war? Chilcot takes at face value the Blair government’s claim that the motive was to address Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction, and limits […]
Here’s how Chilcot will whitewash the Iraq War
The long awaited report from the UK government’s inquiry into the decision to go to war in Iraq is going to be released on Wednesday. But make no mistake: the process was designed from the start to let decision-makers off the hook for their roles in an illegal invasion that has destroyed a country and paved the way for the […]
From Iraq to The Brexit Referendum: Tony Blair’s Toxic Legacy. Yes, He Should Stand Trial for War Crimes
Anthony Charles Lynton Blair currently back in Britain, cast a dark shadow over those campaigning to stay in the European Union in the 23rd June referendum. Inflicting himself on the Britain Stronger in Europe group, he spoke at every opportunity – reminding even the most passionate Europhile of the last time he assured: “I know I’m right” – Iraq.
Tony Blair’s crony elite want to snatch Labour back from the working class
The latest coup attempt against Jeremy Corbyn within the Labour Party is being led by an elitist Blairite network who have always seen his sudden rise to leadership as a threat to their waning control of the party. An investigation by The Canary reveals that the organisers of the campaign are part of a pro-Blair ‘old guard.’ In the run-up to the […]
Beware of Chilcot
After the recent announcement that the long-awaited Chilcot report will finally be published on July 6th this year, we publish two relevant pieces from Craig Murray: Iraq Inquiry: The First Big Lie Sir John Chilcot was just ten minutes in to the first public session of the Iraq Inquiry when he told the first big lie – and a lie […]
We don’t need to wait for Chilcot, Blair lied to us about Iraq. Here’s the evidence.
On the basis of the evidence before Chilcot, there is little reason to doubt that the Blair government misrepresented the intelligence to parliament and to the British public in order to make the case for an illegal war in which 179 British soldiers and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians died.
We have cast iron proof of Tony Blair’s war crimes, so no more Chilcot excuses
Latest Blair revelations should serve as an urgent warning to MPs, especially Labour MPs, who are contemplating voting for war in Syria.
Iraq Chilcot Inquiry: Complete Whitewash of the “Tony Blair Regime”?
In spite of the erased and ruined lives in millions, the ruins of Iraq, of much of Baghdad “the Paris of the 9thcentury”, of many of historical gems that have survived assaults over millennia but not Bush and Blair, it seems likely Chilcot’s Inquiry, if it eventually appears, will prove another dead end.
The US House of Representatives Openly Calls for Regime Change in Moscow
Let that sink in for a second. The United States Congress has put, in writing, their goal to formulate a “long term strategy” to challenge the democratically elected President of Russia, Vladimir Putin.