Ladies and gentlemen,
that was so epic! An incredible, truly unforgettable experience!
It’s been an absolute pleasure and privilege to spend time with you all – such a wonderful group of people.

The cycling was some of the best in my life and I’ve been on a road bike for over forty years.

Huge thank you to Neil and the organising committee; logistics can’t have been easy and yet everything seemed to go so smoothly. Thanks too for all the support, the motorbike riders – always there with directions when we might have taken a wrong turn, the van drivers and crew for carting our kit, filming and giving encouragement – it was so appreciated. The guards for safe escort and permitting us to jump a few red lights. Huge shout out to Alan (who must have clocked over 1,000km behind the wheel) for ensuring safe delivery of our beloved machines back to Dundalk and then driving the coach all the way back to Ballina to bring us home.
Thanks also to all those at Ace Autobody for giving us such a warm welcome and for providing refreshments – such a nice touch and so needed after six hours in the unseasonal fierce September sunshine.

And we cannot forget the ladies from Breast Cancer Ireland – there at the end to welcome us to the beautiful town of Ballina in County Mayo and remind us all of the excellent work they do and the reason we raised money this year in Tony’s name.
The donation page is still available if you’d like to support their essential work.
Thank you to everyone involved in making this such an awesome and memorable few days.
I never knew Tony Golden but I’ve read lots about him and I think I understand what his loss means; his death was an assault on goodness and decency, on the noble vocation of public service and self sacrifice. How fitting his annual memorial is so full of love and friendship.
It was always a hope of mine (since signing up for this crazy spin thirty seconds after reading the invitation email) to meet some of Tony’s family this week. What a lovely surprise to see his three brothers cycling with us, two of whom were in my group. It was a massive honour to be at the dinner table last night with Dave, Seán and Ken as well as Tony’s mother and sister. Thank you.
A very special thanks of course to Group 3 – you absolute legends! You made a shy, usually reserved Englishman feel very welcomed. I hope you can forgive my few transgressions; rolling off the front on a couple of descents when gravity was crying out to save my break pads from wearing and the odd lapse in focus probably due to tiredness, concentration I’ve learned is so essential for group cohesion on the road.

Thanks too for the impromptu therapy session last night; Ann, Mairead and Noelle (together with your male assistants), you’re great listeners and offered sound advice. You have helped me in ways you’ll never know.
When I was a young boy my dad would tell me there are two kinds of people in the world; those who are Irish and those who want to be Irish. I’m feeling very Irish tonight.
Chapeau to you all.