Author: Harry Paterson

The Truth About Captain Tom Moore

A 99 yr old bloke staggering around his garden to save the NHS from the wrecking done to it by the very people now fawning all over him. Sickening. Maybe this war hero can buy a fucking badge from Matt Hancock? To sit next to the medals he accrued defending the country our spineless electorate consistently votes to sell off […]

Boris, Covid and The NHS: The Unvarnished Truth

Boris Johnson. A man who has lived his entire life recklessly, selfishly, irresponsibly; without any regard for the consequences. Because he’s never needed to. His enormous privilege has protected him from any repercussions. He is a proven pathological liar, swaggering through the years with no empathy or concern for anyone but himself. Indeed, recently bragging about shaking hands with Corona […]