
Trump protests must see and oppose US crimes in their totality

As global protests continue against Donald Trump, what could be the nucleus of a promising new progressive movement, akin to Occupy, is being compromised by a faux liberal ‘resistance’. It’s been encouraging to see people act in a spirit of intuitive solidarity with Muslims in rejection of Trump’s discriminatory edicts. But, thanks to the liberal media’s veneration of Obama and […]

La la liberals showcase Obama and play supporting role to the Deep State

From Jan 16th: As Barack Obama approaches his last day in office, emotional liberals have been recording their tributes to the president and dark fears over what’s to come. There’s been hagiographic coverage of Obama’s farewell speech, and‘heartwarming’ pictures of his tenure. A succession of Hollywood names, from Tom Hanks to Samuel L Jackson, have been re-stating Obama’s ‘Yes We Can’ motif. In similar […]


Veterans For Peace UK has a membership with a wide range of political views. That is one reason why we don’t get involved in party politics. Another reason is that it doesn’t matter who gets elected, Labour, Conservative or a coalition government, the wars just keep coming. So if we don’t get involved in domestic party politics, it is a […]


‘Hey there ‘Buff-coat’! I know you! We were once comrades Brothers good and true We fought side by side In England’s bloody war Do you not remember me? Let me tell you more We marched along together Through England’s hill and vale And when we got to Putney We told a signal tale Our case was truly stated We thought […]


One year ago today, Veterans For Peace UK member Daniel Lenham stood outside Downing St and threw his service medals on the ground (see video below) in protest at the government’s decision to sanction air strikes on Syria. Now he has written a moving poem about his decision: Myth of the Medal One year ago today, I gave you them […]

Defend the ZAD – A Call For International Solidarity

  For over 50 years, farmers and locals have resisted the building of a new airport for the French city of Nantes (which by the way already has one). Now in these rich fields, forests and wetlands, which multinational Vinci want to cover in concrete, an experiment in reinventing everyday life in struggle is blossoming. Radicals from around the world, […]

BDS: game changer in Germany

The Holocaust was the first historic event that touched my inner core as a human being. Perhaps this explains my early fascination with everything Jewish. In the 1990s, I lived for two years in Israel, where I volunteered in a center for adults with special needs. This was part of my German Zivildienst — a civilian substitute for conscientious objectors […]

Legalized Murder and the Politics of Terror

Police officers carry out random acts of legalized murder against poor people of color not because they are racist, although they may be, or even because they are rogue cops, but because impoverished urban communities have evolved into miniature police states. Police can stop citizens at will, question and arrest them without probable cause, kick down doors in the middle […]

Rabbi Michael Lerner at Muhammad Ali’s Funeral

Rabbi Michael Lerner gives us all a lesson in Speaking Truth to Power at Muhammad Ali’s funeral – much to the discomfort of front row audience member Bill Clinton. Touching on justice for Palestinians, a basic income, and challenging Hillary Clinton to reverse America’s murderous foreign policy, Lerner wasn’t ever going to just go after Trump, but spoke of universal […]