Public Banking

From Austerity to Abundance: Why I Am Running for California Treasurer

At the end of the 20th century, California was ranked the sixth largest economy in the world. By 2012, it had slipped to number twelve. It is coming back up, in part because European countries are falling further into recession; but California’s poverty rate remains the highest in the country. More than eight million Californians struggle to meet their daily needs, and one in four children lives in poverty. Income inequality is higher in the nation’s most populous state than in almost any other.

Overthrow the Speculators

We can wrest back control of our economy, and finally our political system, from corporate speculators only by building local movements that decentralize economic power through the creation of hundreds of publicly owned state, county and city banks.

Public Banking: Taking Back Power from Finance Capitalists

This week GRTV talks to Ellen Brown, an attorney, author, and president of the Public Banking Institute.

We begin our discussion with an examination of Brown’s recent article on naked shorting and the suppression of the gold price, and we turn our attention to solutions that the people can use to take back power from the finance capitalists.

We finish on a discussion of the state banking solution proposed by the Public Banking Institute.

Public Banking in Costa Rica: A Remarkable Little-known Model

In Costa Rica, publicly-owned banks have been available for so long and work so well that people take for granted that any country that knows how to run an economy has a public banking option. Costa Ricans are amazed to hear there is only one public depository bank in the United States (the Bank of North Dakota), and few people have private access to it.

How the Nation’s Only State-Owned Bank Became the Envy of Wall Street

The Bank of North Dakota is the only state-owned bank in America—what Republicans might call an idiosyncratic bastion of socialism. It also earned a record profit last year even as its private-sector corollaries lost billions. To be sure, it owes some of its unusual success to North Dakota’s well-insulated economy, which is heavy on agricultural staples and light on housing speculation. But that hasn’t stopped out-of-state politicos from beating a path to chilly Bismarck in search of advice.

Public Banks or More Private Sector Subsidies

Rather than the powerhouse of the economy (as Boris likes to imagine), private banks are some of the most heavily-subsidized businesses in the world, notwithstanding the huge subsidies gifted to the military and arms companies.
“it is hard to see why institutions whose failure cannot be contemplated should be in the private sector in the first place”.

No More Detroits…The Philadelphia Public Bank Solution

Philadelphia and any other large city can have its own bank. It can use this bank to finance at zero or near percent interest: community development, infrastructure, schools or whatever else is decided in the bank’s mission statement. This video is targeted at those who will be attending a meeting to determine what the mission of this public bank should be. This is an important step before bringing a bill before city council.

Public Banks Are Key to Capitalism

We actually need publicly owned banks for a capitalist market economy to run properly. Banking, money and credit are not market goods but are economic infrastructure, just as roads and bridges are physical infrastructure. By providing inexpensive, accessible financing to the free enterprise sector of the economy, public banks make commerce more vital and stable. Public banking is not a radical idea but has been practiced in the U.S. with excellent results for decades, and around the world for centuries.

The Sparks of Rebellion

Artists, like rebels, are dangerous. They speak a truth that totalitarian systems do not want spoken. “Red Rosa now has vanished too. …” Bertolt Brecht wrote after Luxemburg was murdered. “She told the poor what life is about, And so the rich have rubbed her out.” Without artists such as musician Ry Cooder and playwrights Howard Brenton and Tarell Alvin McCraney we will not succeed. If we are to face what lies ahead, we will not only have to organize and feed ourselves, we will have to begin to feel deeply, to face unpleasant truths, to recover empathy and to live passionately. Then we can fight.

Green Party passed a motion to place money creation into public hands and end fractional reserve banking

The passing of the Monetary and Banking Reform Composite Motion follows many years of campaigning within the party by members concerned about the private creation of money. A group of these campaigners, joined under the banner of the Green Party Monetary Reform Working Group, have been tirelessly working to educate and raise awareness about the private creation of money.