Minsk 2.0 agreement de facto shows that Germany and France, the leading European powers are trying to break away from the “American Chaos project.”
The Greek Tragedy: Some things not to forget, which the new Greek leaders have not
I believe Syriza is sincere, and I’m rooting for them, but they may have overestimated their own strength, while forgetting how the Mafia came to occupy its position; it didn’t derive from a lot of compromise with left-wing upstarts. Greece may have no choice, eventually, but to default on its debts and leave the Eurozone. The hunger and unemployment of the Greek people may leave them no alternative.
Another Nail In The Coffin Of The Case For Libyan ‘Intervention’
Misinformation and propaganda used as a pretext for war. A war that plays a significant role in destroying an oil-rich nation in the Middle East. Sound familiar? Like Iraq, we should demand a public inquiry into Britain’s involvement in this duplicitous aggression. At the very least all those journalists who backed the intervention need to start asking the searching questions they should have asked back in 2011.
West Guilty Of Ukraine War Crimes
The Western media reported that Kiev regime’s shelling of Donetsk city halted last weekend…
Shelling of civilians, which has been routine over the past 10 months, constitutes a grave war crime on the part of Kiev’s military forces and their commanders. Yet this is never said in the Western media.
Ukraine, America’s “Lebensraum”. Is Washington Preparing to Wage War on Russia?
A new truce has now been entered by EU and Russia initiative with terms to resolve the US-orchestrated civil war. All voices of the official story wonder whether “Russia and the separatists” will obey its terms. Yet when we examine the record of international law and agreements, especially life-protective promises and agreements, who do we really need to worry about as a violator of them? The record tells us very plainly.
The strategic implications of the battle for Debaltsevo (UPDATED)
The Novorussians are in control of most of Debaltsevo (officially 90% officially 100% as of midnight GMT). More relevantly, there is no more organized resistance. Russian sources say that about 1000 junta soldiers have refused to surrender and are hiding in the outskirts or have fled to the south end of the cauldron. The Novorussians are not even bothering to hunt them down or return their sporadic (and inaccurate) fire: they are waiting for hunger and cold to force them to give up.
From Minsk to Brussels, it’s all about Germany
Germany holds the key to where Europe goes next. A fragile deal may have been reached on Ukraine, but there’s still no deal with Greece. In both cases, there’s much more than meets the eye.
The Day Dresden Perished
On the nights of the February 13-15 1945 Allied bombers launched four raids on Dresden. In those three days 722 RAF bombers and 527 US aircraft dropped more than 3,900 tons of high-explosive and incendiary bombs on the city.
The resulting firestorm destroyed over 1,600 acres of one of Europe’s most beautiful cities.
Yanis Varoufakis: No Time for Games in Europe
Our government is not asking our partners for a way out of repaying our debts. We are asking for a few months of financial stability that will allow us to embark upon the task of reforms that the broad Greek population can own and support, so we can bring back growth and end our inability to pay our dues.
Princes of the Yen: Central Banks and the Transformation of the Economy
Princes of the Yen offers a disturbing new look at Japan’s post-war economy and the key factors that shaped it. It gives special emphasis to the 1980s and 1990s when Japan’s economy experienced vast swings in activity. According to the author, the most recent upheaval in the Japanese economy is the result of the policies of a central bank less concerned with stimulating the economy than with its own turf battles and its ideological agenda to change Japan’s economic structure.
Munich’s March to War with Russia
Vice President Joe Biden shames the office he holds. He’s a caricature of a high US official and then some.
“Europe is the cornerstone of US engagement around the world,” he said. Code language for US-dominated NATO global aggression.
Russia bashing followed. Biden lied claiming Moscow aims “to redraw the map of Europe by force.” Seeks “to divide Ukraine between east and west.”
Greece needs an exit option
There is no guarantee that Greece will be as successful with a return to the drachma, but there are reasons for optimism. First and foremost, the country now has both a primary budget surplus and a trade surplus. The primary budget refers to the national budget without counting interest payments. Greece is running a primary budget surplus of more than 3 percent of GDP (the equivalent of $500 billion a year in U.S. GDP). This means that if it didn’t have to pay interest on its debt, it would not need to borrow to make ends meet.