Tag: Steve Keen

What Next After Brexit?

The main changes I do expect from Brexit are a long overdue material shift in the power balance away from London and its elite and back to the once working class regions of the UK. These have been the victims of a globalisation that, when it was first championed by Thatcher and then Blair, was supposed to have either no victims at all, or “losers” who could be easily compensated by the “winners”.

Why the Black Hole of Deflation Is Swallowing the Entire World … Even After Central Banks Have Pumped Trillions Into the Economy

But how could deflation be threatening the globe when the central banks have pumped many trillions into the world economy?

Initially, quantitative easing (QE) – instituted by most central banks worldwide – actually causes DEFLATION.

In addition, governments on both sides of the Atlantic have encouraged bank manipulation and fraud to try to paper over their problems.