White Helmets Rescue Crisis Actor in ‘Mannequin Challenge’ Fakery

Just when you thought they were slowing down following their failure to win a Nobel Peace Prize in October, the US-UK backed ‘NGO’ dubbed the White Helmets, continue to produce an unprecedented amount of western-oriented war propaganda.

CNN’s latest White Helmet-supplied report seems to be more of the same – the appearance of staged rescue scenes, designed to discredit both the Syrian Government and the Russian governments for daring to try and flush out any US Coaltion-backed foreign Salafist insurgency, hell bent (literally) on ‘regime change’ in Syria.

Watch CNN ‘journalist,’ Will Ripley, conducting what’s meant to look like a ‘hard-hitting’ report, not from Syria though, but from his laptop in a quaint hotel somewhere in cosmopolitan Istanbul. His report features video footage which is heavily edited to look like real ‘search and rescue’ events in Aleppo, and which is supplied to CNN by US-UK and EU-funded pseudo ‘NGO’ organizations in Syria, Aleppo Media Centre and the White Helmets.

The “theatre” that is mainstream media reporting in Syria continues…

‘SCRIPTED SCENES’ – Over the past year, the White Helmets rescues have displayed a host of anomalies. (Photo Illustration 21WIRE)
‘SCRIPTED SCENES’ – Over the past year, the White Helmets rescues have displayed a host of anomalies. (Photo Illustration 21WIRE)

Since their inception in late 2013, the White Helmets have been financed to the tune of over $100 million from the UK and US alone, along with millions more from various other NATO, EU and GCC member states – all nations who are deeply invested in arming and backing rebel-terrorists vying for regime change in Syria.

The video below appears to be another White Helmets staged rescue operation, complete with a “crisis actor,” in what some have dubbed a poor attempt at the mannequin challenge type of video. The #TheMannequinChallenge social engineering phenomena first went viral in late October featuring, students from a Jacksonville high school, who were “pretending to be stuck motionless, mid-pose, as if they were modeling slacks at Macy’s.”

During the course of 2016, the group appeared to be caught reusing alleged victims as character subjects in its numerous staged rescue photo opportunities.

The White Helmets have been cranking out iconic war images and rescue videos at an unprecedented rate, leading many to question what this group is really doing, and why. Independent critics and analysts such as the website Moon of Alabama have noted that much of the White Helmets imagery is riddled with deceptive anomalies. Here’s one such passage from a Moon report last June, 2016 which revealed the staged nature present in so many of the White Helmets alleged ‘rescue’ operations:

“Isn’t it an amazing fortune that so many kids get rescued ALIVE by the “White Helmets”, without any serious wounds visible, just moments after bomb impacts? This week after week? With all the same attributes in each picture? No photo editor at any of the big media ever wondered about that?

Some of these photos may show real scenes. But most are definitely staged. These staged photos are part of the war propaganda against the Syrian people and their government.

The “White Helmets” take and distribute these photos. They also distribute lots of “kids rescued from rubble” videos.”

Below is a infographic from Hands Off Syria, who also contend the White Helmets have repurposed apparent victims.


Watch and listen to the video clip below, as a fake rescue scene is brought to life by the so-called ‘first responder’ group the White Helmets…

Below is another look at an RT interview featuring 21WIRE contributor Vanessa Beeley this past October. Watch as Beeley dissects the controversy over the White Helmets nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize this year.

The White Helmets were nominated for the ‘Peace Prize’ but perhaps due to public scrutiny over many of the NGO’s false claims and staged imagery, the award was given to Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos last month:

Originally published: Shawn Helton (21st Century Wire)


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