White Helmets alleged involvement in organ, child trafficking and staged events in Syria – Vanessa Beeley interview.

‘SCRIPTED SCENES’ – Over the past year, the White Helmets rescues have displayed a host of anomalies. (Photo Illustration 21WIRE)

On the 4th April 2019 I joined Ryan Cristian, founder of The Last American Vagabond, to discuss the latest claims made by Syrian civilians that the UK Foreign Office-financed, promoted and protected intelligence asset, the White Helmets, are participating in cross-border organ trafficking operations, child abduction and the production of staged events designed to facilitate further aggressive intervention by the U.S/U.K-led coalition. 

“Joining me today is Vanessa Beeley, here to discuss a very important subject. With all that is happening in Syria today, and all that is going on the world, it is important to understand the inner working parts of the West’s regime change machine that’s being sold to the world as one of peace and liberation, when in reality, that couldn’t be further from the truth. One very integral part of this machine is the White Helmets. Their actions, specifically in Syria, give us an insight into the true nature of those behind the scenes actually in control. And some of what we will discuss today, about the West’s operatives, might shock you.” ~ Ryan Cristian

Watch the full interview


Vanessa Beeley is an independent journalist, peace activist, photographer and associate editor at 21st Century Wire. Vanessa was a finalist for one of the most prestigious journalism awards – the 2017 Martha Gellhorn Prize for Journalism – whose winners have included the likes of Robert Parry in 2017, Patrick Cockburn, Robert Fisk, Nick Davies and the Bureau for Investigative Journalism team. Please support her work at her Patreon account. 

Please follow The Last American Vagabond on Patreon and on Twitter @TLAVagabond


White Helmets Centre in Saqba, Eastern Ghouta Next Door to Terrorist Bomb Factory
“Humanitarians” and the ‘Moderate’ Bomb Factory in Saqba, Eastern Ghouta.

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White Helmets Evidence Presented at Geneva Press Club:
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White Helmets – Hollywood Poster Boys:

WHITE HELMETS: State Sanctioned Terrorism and Hollywood Poster Boys for War

21st Century Wire:
New Report Destroys Fabricated Myth of Syria’s ‘White Helmets’

Initial Investigation into White Helmets:
Who are Syria’s White Helmets?

21st Century Wire article on the White Helmets:  
Syria’s White Helmets: War by Way of Deception ~ the “Moderate” Executioners

Who Funds the White Helmets?
Secret £1bn UK War Chest Used to Fund the White Helmets and Other ‘Initiatives’

Original investigative report:
The REAL Syria Civil Defence Exposes Fake White Helmets as Terrorist-Linked Imposters 

Irish Peace Prize Farce
Tipperary’s White Helmets Peace Prize: A Judas Kiss to the Antiwar Movement and Syria

White Helmets Executions
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White Helmets Links to Al Nusra
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Report by Patrick Henningsen
AN INTRODUCTION: Smart Power & The Human Rights Industrial Complex

Open Letter by Vanessa Beeley
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Staged Rescue Videos
(VIDEO) White Helmets: Miraculous ‘Rag Doll Rescue’

White Helmets Oscar Award Farce:
Forget Oscar: Give The White Helmets the Leni Riefenstahl Award for Best War Propaganda Film

Cory Morningstar report:Investigation into the funding sources of the White Helmets, including Avaaz, Purpose, The Syria Campaign

Open letter to Canadian MPs from Stop the War Hamilton (Canada):
Letter from the Hamilton Coalition to Stop War to the New Democratic Party in Canada ref the White Helmet nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize:

Open letter to Canada’s NDP Leader on Nobel Prize:
Letter to NDP from Prof. John Ryan protesting White Helmet nomination for RLA and Nobel Peace Prize.

READ MORE WHITE HELMETS NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire White Helmets Files

READ MORE SYRIA NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Syria Files

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