During the evening of the 24th November 2018, terrorist factions sponsored by the West carried out a chemical attack against civilians in three districts to the West of Aleppo City – Nil Street, Al Khalidiyyah and Jam’ayat al-Zahra. Nusra Front (rebranded as HTS) embedded in the Layramoun industrial area were responsible for the shelling of these districts with a total of 5 or 6 modified munitions containing toxic substances believed to be related to Amonium Nitrate (usually used as a chemical fertilizer).
Within hours of the attack, more than 150 civilians, including many children were treated for the effects of the toxic gas in the Aleppo hospitals – according to Dr Zaher Batal, head of the Aleppo Medical Association. Symptoms were streaming eyes, respiratory difficulty and tightness of the chest.
Hymemim airbase sent in a Russian team of nuclear and biological chemical protection troops almost immediately to ensure the area was free of any potential radioactive substances and samples were taken back to the base for analysis by the mobile diagnostic group.
The news of the attack was treated with almost total silence from western media and their governmental partners. There was no outrage, no calls to eliminate the terrorist cancer that they have incubated inside Syria that has now openly used chemical weapons against civilians. There were no White Helmet hysterical movies to accompany the treatment of patients, only footage of calm, professional medics and doctors dealing with one in a long line of such attacks by the Western-backed terrorist groups. No #WhiteHelmet waterboarding of children to satisfy western audiences…
The video above contains some of the conversations I had with people in Al Khalidiyyah district following the attacks.
Full article to follow.