This weekend military veterans from around the world; Denmark, England, France, Germany, Holland, Israel, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland, USA, Wales and Zimbabwe, will attend the annual gathering of Veterans For Peace UK (VFP UK) in London.
The weekend includes a public conference on Saturday and culminates with a remembrance ceremony at The Cenotaph in London on Sunday 11 November, Armistice Day.
Veterans for Peace (VFP) was founded in the United States of America in 1985 and has over 100 chapters in the USA and a growing number of international chapters.
Veterans for Peace UK (VFP UK) was founded in London in 2011.
Veterans For Peace UK is a voluntary and politically independent ex-services organisation of men and women who have served in conflicts from WW2 through to Afghanistan.
As a result of our collective experiences we firmly believe that “War is not the solution to the problems we face in the 21st century”.
We are not a pacifist organisation; we accept the inherent right of self-defence in response to an armed attack.
We work to influence the foreign and defence policy of the UK, for the larger purpose of world peace.
We urge all veterans who share this vision to join us.
Full details including times and locations for the Annual Gathering can be found by clicking this LINK.
Film Showing
On Thursday 8 November VFP UK will be hosting the first cinema showing of the documentary “War School” at the Prince Charles cinema in the West End.
Annual General Meeting
On Friday 9 November VFP UK will hold their AGM at Friends House in Euston. Which will include a panel and discussion on the campaign for the UK to become a permanently neutral country.
Band Night
On the evening of Friday 9 November VFP UK will be hosting a music event at The Water Rats in Kings Cross. Entry is free, donations will be kindly accepted on the door.
Public Conference
On Saturday 10 November VFP UK will host a public conference at Friends House, Euston. In the morning there will be a presentation from German veterans Florian Pfaff and Jurgen Rose. In the afternoon there will be a presentation from US veterans Barry Ladendorf and Dennis Stourt on their experiences during the Vietnam War.
Remembrance Ceremony
On Sunday 11 November VFP UK and veterans from around the world will walk to The Cenotaph in Whitehall under the banner Never Again to carry out a solemn ceremony of remembrance.
Veterans For Peace UK is a politically independent ex-services organisation of men and women who have served in conflicts from WW2 through to Afghanistan. As a result of our collective experience we firmly believe that “War is not the solution to the problems we face in the 21st Century”. Our annual gathering attracts veterans from around the world who are committed to serving the cause of world peace.
Originally published (
BSNews co-ed Alison Banville wrote about Veterans For Peace UK at Armed Forces Day in this article: