British police officers are regularly using high-voltage Tasers on children as young as 11, a new report says by Press TV

According to statistics, obtained through a Freedom of Information request, officers discharged, targeted or threatened to use the 50,000-volt stun weapon against youngsters 29 times in England in 2007, but this jumped to 323 by 2011.
The figures showed an eleven-fold increase in the use of Taser guns on under-18s.
Director of advice service Police Action Centre Sophie Khan described the data as “shocking” and called for a ban on the use of Taser on children.
“The statistics show that the Taser is being used in contravention of the Taser Policy and Guidance, due to the dramatic increase in their use on under 18’s. This needs to be addressed by the police forces immediately before there is a serious injury caused to a child or young adults,” she said.
The figures were released following a parliamentary question asked by British Liberal Democrat backbencher Julian Huppert.
Taser guns emit an electric shock to the target and are capable of rendering the victim unable to stand by incapacitating voluntary control over muscles.
The use of Tasers by British police has more than doubled to 7,250 deployments a year from 2009 to 2011 despite fears of a lack of training for officers, who use the 50,000-volt stun guns.
According to The Guardian, the use of Tasers by police in England and Wales rose from 3,500 to 14,500 in the same period.