It will be now impossible to get to the truth since the coalition is doing its own investigation on what they call a “blunder”, says Michael Raddie, editor at BSNEWS.INFO.
“The US has got enough air power and surveillance equipment to actually do this strike on its own…If it was intending to strike ISIS; it could have done it on its own. Instead, it involved at least three other countries’ military, including the Danish, the Australians and the British,” he told RT. According to Raddie, that indicates the US involved the coalition forces “deliberately” in order to “create plausible deniability” and make it look like it was easy to make an error due to communications problems between at least four countries involved. However, he went on, the Syrian army location is well-known as “they have been there for two years and haven’t moved their position.”
On Monday, the Syrian military declared that after seven days the ceasefire is over, and it did not clarify whether it is going to be renewed.
Michael Raddie said his initial thought on the news was “why aren’t the Provisions of Ceasefire actually published?”
“These have all been vetoed by the US. This could have been published a week ago. There was something in that document that the Russians wanted everyone in the world to know that the US kept blocking. I don’t know what it was, but that was going to highlight the fact that some of the groups are obviously supported by the US and the coalition and the Western countries. Whatever that was we may never know now. I think the Russian government – Lavrov and Putin should just publish the document as it stands. Obviously they’re very shrewd chess players in terms of international diplomacy – that may not happen. But it would be interesting to find out, what was the stumbling block for that document, the Ceasefire Provisions that was never published in the first place,” he said.