Vanessa Beeley on UK Column News – featuring Kevork Almassian – discusses UK government’s proscription of the Wagner Group and the precarious situation re Armenia and Azerbaijan.
Video” Ukraine’s Neo-Nazis Tell You What Your Mainstream Media Won’t
Via Vanessa Beeley and Alex Rubenstein. Rubenstein: “Watch Yevhen Karas the leader of Ukraine’s neo-Nazi terror gang C14’s speech from Kiev earlier this month. Straight from the horses’ mouth, he dispels the many narratives pushed by the left, the mainstream media and the State Department.” He claims:- Ukraine is being armed as pawns of the West because “we have fun […]
Syria’s so-called ‘cradle of the revolution’ has been liberated
The West’s campaign to topple Bashar al Assad is all but over fter three years of a fragile ceasefire and a campaign of assassinations of Syrian government ‘loyalists’ by embedded fundamentalist armed groups, the Syrian flag has once more been raised in Daraa Al Balad. Western media persists in portraying the emergence of extremist armed groups in Daraa, south of […]
Russia Warns of an “Explosion” in the East of the Euphrates, north of Syria
Russia warned of an explosion of the ‘Kurdish Problem’ in the east of Euphrates, in the north of Syria, due to the US continuous meddling from far away, while Erdogan, NATO’s 2nd top leader, takes advantage of the current stalemate to beef up his forces of the Turkish army and al Qaeda affiliates, Trump forces increasing presence in the far […]
Truth or Treason? An American Housewife in Syria
BSNews eds were privileged to travel in Syria with our friend Janice Kortkamp in 2018. Here, she writes passionately and incisively on the truth of the conflict: Why is a Christian American housewife turned citizen journalist smiling below a poster of the US government’s “most wanted”? Well, let me try to tell you the heart of the story. If you […]
Breaking Bread: Syria’s Treasure and the Burning Wheatfields
Janice Kortkamp, a great friend of Syria, writes movingly here of the deep significance of bread in Syrian life and the great crime of illegally occupying US troops burning wheat fields as well as the theft of Syrian wheat by Turkey: I’ve described Syria as the most real place I’ve ever been and there is nothing more simply real than […]
Lest We Forget: Rashideen, the NATO Backed Massacre of Children The Corporate Media Used To Promote Terrorists.
Andrew Ashdown writes: Three years ago this week, a horrific massacre of children was perpetrated by western-backed ‘moderate rebels’ at al-Rashideen outside Aleppo, and was whitewashed by Western media. This detailed and well-researched article by Vanessa Beeley, including interviews with surviving families is an important record both of the event itself, and of the misrepresentation of facts by mainstream media that […]
We Kept Our Faith: A Message From Syria
Ibrahim Mohammad, a resident of Aleppo and formerly of the Syrian Arab Army, sends a strong and moving message on the realities of the regime change war on his country. Read carefully for those who have doubts. Some of you might find my way aggressive sometimes.. Well, consider this, I lived this bloody crisis through every detail of it, I fought […]
The Truth About The Syrian Arab Army
Vanessa Beeley’s moving report from northern Syria: A Syrian Arab Army soldier just arrived at a base on the outskirts of Ayn Al Arab (Kobane). The SAA are not entering the center of these Kurdish controlled towns to allow the civilian population to establish a new equilibrium following the detente between Damascus and the Kurdish separatist factions promoted and supported […]
SYRIA: Towns in Hama celebrate SAA victory against international terrorism
Above: Al Sqeilbiyyeh, northern Hama – August 24th 2019 These scenes of jubilation and joy will never be shown by the Western media terrorist acolytes as they try to maintain the “bad SAA vs good rebel” narrative that has been utterly exposed as a lie and a hoax from day one of this filthy war against Syria – waged by […]
‘Moderate Rebel’ Slaughter: ‘How many More Atrocities Must Be Witnessed?’
BSN editor: The western corporate media will never report the barbarity of their masters’ proxies in Syria, the Jihadist horde committing acts of such savagery they beggar belief. These writers are not journalists, but stenographers for psychopaths and they have blood on their hands. They are every bit as guilty as the venal warmongers and the sick Islamist extremists who […]
The White Helmets, alleged organ traders & child kidnappers, should be condemned not condoned
A recent panel at the UN Security Council in New York revealed the shocking evidence of White Helmet involvement in organ trafficking in Syria. The lucrative trade of human body parts, bones, blood and organs is one of the most protected and hidden harvests of war.