
Seymour Hersh: A Year Lying About Nord Stream

Above: A screen grab from Danish Defense shows the gas leak from the exploded Nord Stream pipelines causing bubbles on the surface of the Baltic Sea on September 30, 2022. / Photo by Swedish Coast Guard Handout / Anadolu Agency via Getty Images. I do not know much about covert CIA operations—no outsider can—but I do understand that the essential […]

The Venezuela Phase of US Global Demise

The latest blow-up in international relations involving Venezuela and Washington’s designs for regime change is but the latest in a whole gamut of international developments, tensions and confrontations which ultimately stem from America’s desperate attempt to maintain its global hegemony.

Why Jeremy Hunt’s Support for Venezuela’s Self-declared President Must be Rejected

The British government’s agenda towards Venezuela is blatantly interventionist, with the Foreign Office now flagrantly breaking international law in support of US geopolitics in Latin America, and it is backed by politicians from across the spectrum.  Regardless of party allegiance, politicians serving the British establishment are intoxicated by the prospect of reining in a people who have said ‘no’ to […]

For the British political elite, the invasion of Iraq never happened

On the 15th anniversary of Iraq invasion, evidence remains overwhelming that war was illegal and a “crime of aggression”. Yet six Cabinet members were elevated to House of Lords, others to top international jobs. UK elite enjoys impunity for foreign wars. Far from paying any price, the British system has rewarded ministers for their fateful decision on Iraq

The Iraq Death Toll 15 Years After the US Invasion

As we begin the 16th year of the Iraq war, the American public must come to terms with the scale of the violence and chaos we have unleashed in Iraq. Only then may we find the political will to bring this horrific cycle of violence to an end, to replace war with diplomacy and hostility with friendship, as we have begun to do with Iran and as the people of North and South Korea are trying to do to avoid meeting a similar fate to that of Iraq.

The planned smashing of Syria

Minutes of diplomatic meetings reveal unpleasant truths about the war against Syria. Translation: Hanin Elias The Lebanese daily newspaper Al Akhbar published a detailed article on US plans for Syria on February 22, 2018. The original text titled “Washington to its Allies: Let’s Split Syria” comes from journalists Mohammad Ballout and Walid Sharara. The text is based on a diplomatic […]