This operations manual—written by an anonymous collec- tive of resistors, defaulters and allies from Strike Debt and Occupy Wall Street—is for all those being crushed under the weight of debt. It aims to provide specific tactics for understanding and fighting against the debt system so that we can all reclaim our lives and our communities. It con- tains practical information, […]
The Criminalization of Political Dissent in America
In a series of prosecutions, precedents are being established for the criminalization of political dissent in America by Tom Carter (World Socialist Web Site) Last week, Massachusetts high school student Cameron D’Ambrosio was arrested and charged under “terrorism” laws merely for posting lyrics on Facebook that make reference to the Boston Marathon bombings. He faces 20 years in prison. A […]
The Pride of San Francisco
By Simon Wood “The mission of the San Francisco Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Pride Celebration Committee is to educate the world, commemorate our heritage, celebrate our culture, and liberate our people” – Mission Statement (SF Pride website) Great change can often come about from seemingly innocuous events; the phenomenon seemingly random. Over a hundred Tibetan monks have set fire to […]
British energy giant pays no tax despite soaring bills
Britain’s leading energy supplier RWE Npower has admitted paying zero corporation tax for three years at a time when British households have been hit hardest by soaring energy bills by PressTV Energy and Climate Change Committee attacked the energy firm in a stormy session at the House of Commons, saying that the company, while making huge profits, has forced millions […]
Corporate Tax Dodgers
10 Companies and Their Tax Loopholes by Sarah Anderson and Scott Klinger and Javier Rojo (Institute for Policy Studies) As the budget battles in Washington continue, corporations have stepped into the fray with some of the most aggressive lobbying we’ve seen in years – calling for cuts to corporate tax rates, a widening of offshore tax loopholes that already cost the U.S. […]
A Tax System Stacked Against the 99 Percent
By Joseph Stiglitz LEONA HELMSLEY, the hotel chain executive who was convicted of federal tax evasion in 1989, was notorious for, among other things, reportedly having said that “only the little people pay taxes.” As a statement of principle, the quotation may well have earned Mrs. Helmsley, who died in 2007, the title Queen of Mean. But as a prediction […]
Homeland Security kept tabs on Occupy Wall Street protesters
New documents show that the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) spied on peaceful Occupy Wall Street (OWS) protesters during the height of the anti-capitalist movement in the country by PressTV The documents released by the Partnership for Civil Justice Fund (PCJF) on Tuesday revealed that the DHS routinely spied on peaceful First Amendment activities and required daily briefing on […]