
What Channel 4 News Refused to Tell You About the Gilet Jaunes: Email

I recently sent an email to several journalists at Channel 4 News regarding their reporting of the Gilet Jaunes movement in France. I chose Channel 4 News for the very same reasons I have written about in detail previously: the programme presents itself as uniquely radical in the mainstream media, a lie that it is vitally important to expose because […]

The World: What is Really Happening

If you want to understand what is really happening in the world today, a mid-ranking official named Ian Henderson is vastly more important to you than Theresa May. You will not, however, find anything about Henderson in the vast majority of corporate and state media outlets.

GILETS JAUNES: Civilians in Police Crosshairs as Macron Adopts Totalitarian State-Practices to Suppress Dissent

What I witnessed in Syria was a government, a state, an army doing all in its power to preserve civilian life despite the most destructive hostile infiltration of their culture by external forces, including France. What I witnessed in “civilised” France was the intent to destroy life, any life, to disable, maim and disfigure civilians to protect the Emperor and his corrupt cabal of globalists and capitalist bloodsuckers.

Vanessa Beeley Talks Powerfully on the Gilet Jaunes Movement in France

Vanessa Beeley gave a powerful talk this past weekend in Oslo on the Gilet Jaunes movement, including her own first-hand testimony gathered at the latest march in Paris. Vanessa writes: Speakers were excellent, including my dear sister Eva Karene Bartlett who brought the voices of the “disappeared” Syrians into the room and to Patrick Henningsen who exposed the depth of the Western disinformation bunny […]

Macron Tactics Against Yellow Vests Have Nothing to Do with Public Safety, Everything to Do with Global Politics

“We will not kneel, we will not fear reprisals, we will keep protesting until the end,” said one Gilet Jaune protester to me on Saturday as the police tore into the crowd, scything people to the ground and trampling them underfoot. For more than two months the people who come out into the streets are met with governmental repression. Since […]

International Criminal Court won’t drop arrest warrant on Gadhafi son

“The ICC case against Saif al-Islam Gadhafi must be seen in context of the illegal NATO assault on Libya, including the public murder of his father and the destruction of the Libyan state,” Australia-based political economist and activist Tim Anderson, told The Final Call via email.  “That is a great crime that cannot be forgotten,” he added.

What Is the Meaning of Life?

We are living through times of widespread poverty, war, and immigration. There are many more people in the world who can’t even afford to buy a football than there are people who can afford to pay 200 Euros to attend a Premier League match, or 400 Euros a year to watch it on TV. Football is one of life’s great teachers. It is one of life’s great inspirations. But the current business model of football ignores so much of the world.

UN chief urges talks to avoid Idlib bloodbath, while NATO threatens war to defend terrorists

Now that the “rebels” are seen for what they are – at last, despite massive Western media deception – the UN bureaucrats are playing the “humanitarian card.” Secretary General Guterres claims that for Syria “there is no military solution.” He wants Syria and Russia to call off their offensive on Idlib. What for? To buy time in order to give the terrorists an escape route to some other country?