The Election That Changed Everything and Could Prove History’s Deal-Breaker For decades, Washington had a habit of using the Central Intelligence Agency to deep-six governments of the people, by the people, and for the people that weren’t to its taste and replacing them with governments of the [take your choice: military junta, shah, autocrat, dictator] across the planet. There was […]
In Solidarity with the People of Syria: The Historic Significance of Defeating the West’s Dirty War…
In many respects, we’re all in this together. The plight of Syria and Syrians is entwined with us as well. If the West and its proxies successfully destroy Syria as they did to so many other countries, including Iraq, and Libya, and Afghanistan, then the next country on the list will be Iran and so on. But the mercenary terrorists […]
Tories try to ‘bury’ UKs role in the killing fields of Yemen
The last couple of weekends have been good for burying bad news. On July 15, Murtaza Hussain revealed the release of previously suppressed documents contained within a 2002 congressional report that emphasized possible links between high-ranking members of the Saudi royal family and the 9/11 hijackers. This weekend, the attempt to bury more bad news also involves Saudi Arabia. On this […]
A Most Convenient Massacre
Of course we should grieve for the victims, but there is something far more important at stake than mere human lives, which are, deplorably, becoming cheaper with each passing year. We should grieve for the truth.
Can Obama Level with the People?
Another terrorist outrage – this one in Paris – is spreading fear and fury across Europe. Which makes this a key moment for President Obama to finally level with the American people about how U.S. “allies” — such as Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar — have been aiding and abetting extremists, reports Robert Parry.
NATO is the American occupation of Poland and Europe
Voluntary submission to American occupation in its military dimension raises a whole range of different kinds of threats, although the most important of them was already presented above. In Italy in November, 2013, a drunken American soldier raped a local teenager in a dark alley. On the night of July 14, 2014, near the city of Vicenza, two American soldiers from an airborne-descent unit kidnapped and brutally raped a pregnant woman, who was left beaten in the forest.
ISIS & the psycho-nightmare of US Middle East “policy”
The US are trying to salvage the remnants of their comic-book Syrian narrative, hiding behind the transparent diversionary claim the Russians are bombing “non-ISIS rebels”, hoping, forlornly no one will be smart enough to realise this essentially means “al Qaeda/al Nusra”, and amounts to an admission the US is working with the group they used to claim were the embodiment of evil.
Fantasy Politics – ‘Corbyn’s Morons’ And The ‘Sensible Approach’
Like Blair and the rest of the establishment, the Guardian and other corporate media claim their motivation is to preserve Labour’s electability, rather than to attack any and all politics that stray off the ‘centrist’, ‘modernising’ path. In reality, it could hardly be more obvious that this collection of profit-seeking, corporate enterprises – grandly and laughably proclaiming themselves ‘the free press’ – is opposing a threat to their private and class interests.
Study: U.S. Wars Have Left Over 1 Million Dead in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan
The investigators found “the war has, directly or indirectly, killed around one million people in Iraq, 220,000 in Afghanistan and 80,000 in Pakistan ( i.e. a total of around 1.3 million).
The Guardian dishonestly whitewashes its own support for the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan
the Guardian is only able to present itself as anti-war by ignoring its own editorial on 8 October 2001 – the day after the US-led attack on Afghanistan, Operation Enduring Freedom, begun
The Logic of the Imperial Security State
The United States, too, took the opportunity to effect a silent coup at home, starting with the Patriot Act, and moving gradually forward to change the US from a democracy to a security state and to destroy, unopposed by a frightened domestic population, pieces of the world, one inconvenient country at a time. It’s a way of doing WW III without anybody but the victims noticing.
FBI Whistleblower: Pentagon, CIA, NATO and MI6 Were Masterminds Behind 9/11
There might have been elements involved within countries: for example Prince Bandar in Saudi Arabia, or Turkish people at the MIT.
But the people who ran the show at the top were NATO and Gladio. And Gladio was under the U.S. It was – and is – an operation under the U.S., for U.S. empire.
As far as people who ran the show, it was the highest levels of NATO, the U.S., MI6, CIA and the Pentagon.