
Scott Ritter: A comprehensive Ukrainian defeat is the only possible outcome of its conflict with Russia

Kiev was offered a peace deal long ago, but chose war instead, egged on by its Western backers. Now its fate is sealed September 2 marked the 78th anniversary of the World War Two surrender ceremony onboard the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay. This moment formalized Japan’s unconditional capitulation to the United States, and its allies, and marked the end of the […]

Journalists who challenge NATO narratives are now ‘information terrorists’

Vanessa Beeley writes: A US state department sponsored round table on ‘countering disinformation’ was recently held at the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine. “Information terrorists should know that they will have to answer to the law as war criminals” Andrii Shapovalov According to the press release – “NGOs, mass media and international experts” took part in the round table […]

Sleepwalking Into Disaster: How US Establishment Lost Fear of Escalating Ukraine Crisis

The following interview was originally published on Sputnik News, a website which is currently banned in UK. On 9 May, US President Joe Biden signed a lend-lease Bill to streamline US lethal military aid to Ukraine, while the American press continues to present a one-sided picture of the Ukraine crisis. Vladimir Golstein, associate professor at Brown University in Rhode Island, has […]

Under Fire from Ukraine: The People of the DPR Share Their Stories

First published in October 2019, independent journalist Eva Bartlett reported from Donetsk giving vital context to the current conflict in Ukraine: On September 2, I left the southern Russian city of Rostov-on-Don via minibus heading northwest to the border of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) and on into Donetsk. For my first few days there, I rented an inexpensive apartment […]