Tag: vivisecction

Corona: Vaccines and Vivisection Are Now A Civil Liberties Issue

Vaccines and vivisection are now civil liberties issues. For the lowdown on the nexus of nefarious interests relying on your ignorance when they present their ‘miracle’ vaccine as the only way out of lockdown see this video. Today on UK morning news a new corona vaccine was hailed By Piers Morgan as ‘very encouraging’ after it was tested on six […]

Why Vivisection Doesn’t Work

Vivisection – A Compilation of Evidence by Alison Banville (BSNews Editor) The email below was posted to an activist list in the UK in response to my assertion that vivisection is useless. My reply follows his email. ‘How can certain surgical procedures be tested via computer modeling or tissue cell-cultures, for instance? Organ transplants were first tested on animals, heart […]