(Written on March 13th 2020) The current Turkish-Russian agreement in Idlib Yesterday, the meeting between Turkish and Russian military delegations continued for their third day and will resume today. The discussion focuses on the safe movement of traffic on the M4 highway connecting the international Port at Latakia with the industrial powerhouse of Aleppo. A deal was signed on March 5th at […]
Tag: Syria conflict
White Helmets alleged involvement in organ, child trafficking and staged events in Syria – Vanessa Beeley interview.
On the 4th April 2019 I joined Ryan Cristian, founder of The Last American Vagabond, to discuss the latest claims made by Syrian civilians that the UK Foreign Office-financed, promoted and protected intelligence asset, the White Helmets, are participating in cross-border organ trafficking operations, child abduction and the production of staged events designed to facilitate further aggressive intervention by the U.S/U.K-led coalition. […]
New ‘Group Think’ for War with Syria/Russia
Not since the eve of the U.S. invasion of Iraq has Official Washington’s political/punditry class clamored more single-mindedly – and openly – for the U.S. government to commit a gross violation of international law, now urging a major military assault on the government of Syria while also escalating tensions with nuclear-armed Russia. And, like the frenzied war fever of 2002-2003, […]
Syria Propaganda – The Death Rattle of the Corporate Media
“The role of the corporate media is to protect, promote and legitimize the destructive and amoral aims of profit-seeking private power. Any journalist or columnist working within that system is actively aiding the corporate media achieve this goal. These gatekeepers, especially those regarded as liberal, are therefore culpable in the illegal wars and rapacious, planet-destroying actions of the worst corporations.” […]
Volunteers by day, terrorists by night: The double life of White Helmets
Volunteers of the White Helmets civil defense organization have a double life: they are ‘volunteers’ by day and terrorists by night. Photos, published online, reveal ‘the second life’ of volunteers of the White Helmets civil defense organization that operates throughout the Syrian territory, controlled by the ‘moderate’ opposition. According to the photos, the volunteers spend one part of their lives, […]
Profits of death: disaster capitalists fan flames of war in Syria
American, European and Russian corporations are the only ones winning from humanitarian disasters of their own making. As a tentative ceasefire continues to hold in Syria, with the next round of peace talks having resumed this week, you’d be forgiven for thinking that there might be an end in sight to a conflict that has raged for nearly five years. […]