Tag: sex

Why I Won’t Date British Men

I’m pro-immigration. Oh yes, ‘they’ can’t be simultaneously claiming benefits and taking our jobs can they? Despite the sewage stream of propaganda spewed out by hate-mongering right-wing rags, immigrants, in the real world, pour money into the economy through their taxes in sums dwarfing what they ‘take’ — that pejorative simply translating as having the right to use the public services they, […]

What Trump’s ‘Locker Room’ Banter Says About Women and Sex

This Trump ‘locker room’ banter controversy is really making me glad I know the decent men I do. Men who naturally see women as fellow human beings and who realize that masculinity is completely unrelated to machismo. It’s the real Lynx effect – and boys, it can never be sprayed on. And you just know Trump and his ilk would […]