U.S. Among Only 3 Countries Officially Backing Nazism & Holocaust-Denial

Ukraine voted no on this resolution because this new Ukrainian Government is the only nazi regime in the world, and they are doing the standard nazi things, and so what they are doing is in violation of numerous international laws, which are not being enforced, but which are re-asserted and re-affirmed in this resolution, though Ukraine and the Ukrainian situation aren’t at all mentioned in the resolution. The United States voted no on it, because the U.S. Government had placed them into power.

Ukraine’s Whitewashed Odessa Massacre Report

Some bodies had multiple gun shot wounds to the head. They were executed in cold blood at point blank range.
A pregnant woman was strangled with an electric wire. Hundreds were killed. As many as 300 or more.
Most were hacked to death with axes or clubbed to death with bats. Some were shot. Others were thrown from windows.