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Tag: Ken Loach
Why ‘I, Daniel Blake’ is a modern tale of Dickensian cruelty in Tory Britain
The mismanagement of the UK economy by both the New Labour and Tory governments’ that followed the global crash of 2008 led to the poorest and weakest in society disproportionately picking up the pieces by way of savage cuts and austerity resulting from this incompetency.
Why ‘I, Daniel Blake’ is a timeless indictment of capitalism
By cultivating the notion that the unemployed and disabled are somehow ‘undeserving’ is to implant within the wider public consciousness the notion that some human beings are not a legitimate part of society and are therefore ‘sub-human’.
Ken Loach’s I, Daniel Blake Wins Palm D’Or: DWP Inhumanity Exposed
DWP Inhumanity Needs to be Challenged Urgently. Ken Loach’s I, Daniel Blake needs to inspire us all to act against the political and moral debasement of the Tory government: You may have seen the reviews of Ken Loach’s film I, Daniel Blake. It reduced hardened film critics in Cannes to tears with its story about the cruelty that jobcentres and […]