While the Guardian and Observer market themselves as caring about justice and equality, but do nothing to bring them about apart from promoting tinkering with the present, hugely unjust, global neoliberal order, Corbyn’s rhetoric suggests that the apple cart needs upending.
Tag: Jeremy Corbyn
Britain: The End of New Labour’s Reign of Terror? Jeremy Corbyn, Quo Vadis?
Jeremy Corbyn will have to face this monster, not only in the House of Commons but also in the mass media and the Internet. He will have to face the decades of Anglo-American political and economic incest, not that only manifested in the past century’s wedding of US plutocracy with British aristocracy.
Corbyn’s threat of democracy
Since Corbyn’s policies are generally popular, they are a direct threat to the elite consensus, and three stand out in foreign policy. First, the idea of holding Blair to account under international law for invading Iraq will strike terror into the minds of the Foreign Office and Ministry of Offence. These people reserve the right to bomb the gyppos every once in a while and they are not going to accept the idea of being held to account for this.
BSNews editor Mike Raddie interviewed on Corbyn by RT
‘All of the media, left, all the way to the right side of the spectrum, have been marching in lock-step with their attacks on Corbyn. Even the Guardian…ranging from smear pieces to guilt by association; it’s been awful to see.’
Congratulations Jeremy Corbyn!
All of us here at BSNews would like to heartily congratulate Jeremy Corbyn on his election as Labour Party Leader
Quantitative Easing for People: The UK Labour Frontrunner’s Controversial Proposal
One would hope that Cameron and Osborne fully understand the mechanics of modern money creation (although a recent survey by Positive Money shows 90% of their fellow MPs do not). Most of our money is created by private banks when they make loans. It doesn’t have to be this way. Another world is possible.
Corbyn And The End Of Time – The ‘Crisis Of Democracy’
On and on, the establishment press has attacked an obviously authentic representative of Labour values as the ultimate threat to Labour values. On and on, the alleged concern has been to save the Labour party from itself, to protect its electability, to defend democracy. Much of this ‘concern’ has been expressed by sworn enemies of the Labour party.
Corbyn and challenges to political power
By the time politicians reach Westminster, they do not need to be recruited to a cabal. They have simply proven over a long period that they have a strong ideological fit with the institutions that govern us. If not, their careers would have stalled much earlier, in the lower rungs of these institutions, or they would have “dropped out”. The same processes select those who fill top posts in the media and other influential “professions”.
What does the “Jeremy Corbyn phenomenon” represent?
Above all else, what has been proved by the bitter experience made by Greek workers with Syriza is that it is impossible to defend anything—jobs, wages, essential social services—without breaking the stranglehold of the financial oligarchy over economic and political life. It demands the independent political mobilisation of the working class against the major corporations and banks and their government.
Apocalypse Now
The Labour leadership campaign of Jeremy Corbyn will be remembered for several notable reasons, not least the descent of the UK’s corporate media into unremitting farce, with the Guardian in its role as vanguard of the ‘liberal left’ decisively leading the pack.
Jeremy Corbyn is not leading a campaign he is leading a movement
The ideas and vision that Jeremy Corbyn represents, for so long buried beneath a ton weight of Thatcherite ideology, have risen from their slumber and are now part of the mainstream political discourse again, breathed new life by thousands of young people who demand a real and humane alternative to the thin gruel that passes for reality today.
A Win For Jeremy Would Benefit The Entire Left – Not Just Labour
Like some mysterious figure who suddenly arrives in a Hollywood Western film, Jeremy has turned up in the wind-blown, parched town and taken on the oppressors. I am sure his bold initiative will be rewarded. Indeed, in the growth of a more confident left, it already has.