Tag: Hiroshima

Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Premeditated Murder

‘Hiroshima and Nagasaki were acts of premeditated mass murder unleashing a weapon of intrinsic criminality. It was justified by lies that form the bedrock of 21st century U.S. war propaganda‘ – John Pilger Seventy five years ago this week, the sickest dregs of humanity carried out a planned experiment on human flesh. The sociopathic ambitions of the White House and the […]

Obama Does Hiroshima

“He started suffering nosebleeds about a week after the bombing. They called a doctor, and my aunt put a wash basin by his side and stayed up all night taking care of him. But the bleeding from his gums and nose grew worse, and he finally died on the 22nd. Before he breathed his last, he complained that his stomach […]

America’s Barbaric Logic of Hiroshima 70 Years On

Even if we accept that there was a plausible military imperative to drop the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki – to bring about a swift defeat of Japan and thus an end to the Pacific War – the horror of civilian death toll from those two no-warning aerial attacks places a disturbing question over the supposed ends justifying the means.