Tag: Graham Vanbergen

The Disastrous Brexit Plan You Knew Nothing About

Imagine a Britain, with no NHS (US senators have already said they hope the health service in Britain will be up for grabs in any future deal), ever decreasing job security, ever rising inequality, failing education, transport, policing and other public services. All of this is a new market to be exploited. This is where the EU/US trade deal called TTIP failed. But a post-Brexit trade deal with the US will be as Jean Blaylock from the Independent says, it’s “TTIP on steroids.”

Mainstream Media: The Spies Who Choked Me

Government and the security services are using the levers of control to manipulate the mainstream media and with it the public discourse like never before. Shadowy informational operatives use technology to stalk every newsroom in the land to gain political advantage. The public are now facing new threats as they are unconsciously herded and trapped inside self imposed informational bubbles. Loyal to the political framework and its corporate interests almost all media that you are reading and seeing today is largely fake, distorted or misrepresented.

You Won’t Believe What The Government Is About To Privatise Next

In the eyes of profiteers, there’s money to be made from debt, especially from the poor. Privatisation of the court bailiff system is like privatising parking enforcement – and look where that led – scandal after scandal. The civilianisation of law enforcement has always proved to be much worse than when managed by government with civilian scrutiny. This, like so many other privatisation projects this will end in failure with the over-stretched citizenry shouldering the burden of government incompetence and the poor exploited even further.

Britannia Titanic – “UK surveillance state more suited to dictatorship than a democracy”

Every phone call, no matter the device is recorded, every image, website visited, personal details such as medical and financial records, contacts, everything private to you is no longer private. Under just one of dozens of surveillance programmes, one was called “Optic Nerve” that captured millions of images via webcams, illegally taken and stored. An undisclosed number, but estimated to be around one fifth of the population were images that were “compromising in nature” including that of naked young children in their homes and intimate images between consenting adults.

British Public Being Sold Down the River in Democracy Deception

The longest-running set of polls ever undertaken in the UK, which has been ongoing for over thirty years has been on trust in key professions with Ipsos MORI conducting surveys on the subject since 1983. Their surveys consistently show that public trust in politicians has always been low: at no point since 1983 have more than a quarter of the public ever trusted politicians to tell the truth. The lowest trust score was recorded in 2009 in the wake of the expenses scandal, when only 13% said they trusted politicians. Clearly, there must be a deception going on in our democracy.

University Fees In Britain Doubles Prostitution

In one part of the study the owner of a massage parlour in Leeds who admitted employing large numbers of students, remarked, that in her day, people went to University in order to avoid this kind of life – whereas now they lead this kind of life in order to go to University.

Irony indeed. And one the government, the universities and banks should be utterly ashamed of.

Britain’s Politicians That Corrupt Democracy

Paid-for politics has already got a grip. The private sector would have sacked employees with undisclosed conflicts of interest such as these. The principle should exist that MPs will not expect to be paid beyond their salary for intervening in public life. The problem is that the very people who could enforce this, the lawmakers, are themselves profiting in exactly these same ways.

The Ugly Truth About Poverty In Britain

According to a study by Poverty and Social Exclusion (PSE), 33% of all UK households endure below-par living standards – defined as going without three or more “basic necessities of life”, such as being able to adequately feed and clothe themselves and their children, and to heat and insure their homes. In the early 1980s, the comparable figure was 14%. A 140% increase.