Tag: False Flag Terrorism

Russian MoD Exposes White Helmets Chemical Attack False Flag in Idlib

The Russian Ministry of Defense through its Coordination Center in Syria warned of preparations for a new false-flag psyop by the notorious al-Qaeda propaganda arm known as the White Helmets. ‘Three vehicles carrying terrorists of the White Helmets arrived at the town of Sufuhon in the northwestern countryside of Khan Sheikhoun in Idlib province where barrels of poisonous chlorine were […]

The Gulf of Credibility

I really cannot begin to fathom how stupid you would have to be to believe that Iran would attack a Japanese oil tanker at the very moment that the Japanese Prime Minister was sitting down to friendly, US-disapproved talks in Tehran on economic cooperation that can help Iran survive the effects of US economic sanctions. The Japanese-owned Kokuka Courageous was […]