Tag: Civil Liberties

‘Pick a Fucking Side’- The Road to Totalitarianism

People can tell themselves that they didn’t see where things have been heading for the last 17 months, but they did. They saw all the signs along the way. The signs were all written in big, bold letters, some of them in scary-looking Germanic script. They read: THIS IS THE ROAD TO TOTALITARIANISM I’m not going to show you all those […]

The Hague Orders Dutch Covid Curfew to End Immediately.

The Hague ruled today that the Dutch night time curfew should be lifted immediately because it is, the court ruled, ‘a far-reaching violation of the right to freedom of movement and privacy.’ Significantly, the judge stated that the situation did not meet the standard of “special urgency” needed to bypass the usual legislative process and that the government’s use of […]

Lockdown Adventures: Navigating a Police State

I had a run in with the fake law last week whilst going about my business, which is journalism. Four PCSO’s (police community support officers) in full Robocop gear wanted to know what I was doing ‘out and about’ as I was about to talk to a restaurant owner. When I realised they were only Community police I immediately walked […]

Masters and Slaves

Some people say they are going to obey whatever the Government tells them to do because they care about the vulnerable in our society and want to protect them. I am one of those deemed vulnerable having an underlying co-morbidity and I have had my letters from the NHS advising me how to stay safe. This is all quite comical […]

Virus of Mass Destruction

Note: BSNews is co-edited by myself, Alison Banville, and Mike Raddie. Any posts on Covid-19 represent our individual views. A further note on this particular post – a friend of ours being treated for Covid-19 has reported he suffered blood-clots as a complication. There comes a point in the introduction of every new official narrative when people no longer remember […]

‘The Wrong Kind of Veteran’ – Veterans For Peace UK, Blackpool Council and the Death of Civil Liberties

Two weeks ago on Armed Forces Day a group of men handing out leaflets in Blackpool was ordered by a private security firm’s employees to stop what they were doing immediately and leave the promenade. What on earth was on those leaflets? Something highly offensive, surely, to have forced the authorities into such dramatic action to prevent the public seeing […]

Britannia Titanic – “UK surveillance state more suited to dictatorship than a democracy”

Every phone call, no matter the device is recorded, every image, website visited, personal details such as medical and financial records, contacts, everything private to you is no longer private. Under just one of dozens of surveillance programmes, one was called “Optic Nerve” that captured millions of images via webcams, illegally taken and stored. An undisclosed number, but estimated to be around one fifth of the population were images that were “compromising in nature” including that of naked young children in their homes and intimate images between consenting adults.