In many respects, we’re all in this together. The plight of Syria and Syrians is entwined with us as well. If the West and its proxies successfully destroy Syria as they did to so many other countries, including Iraq, and Libya, and Afghanistan, then the next country on the list will be Iran and so on.
But the mercenary terrorists are losing. I suspect that now the diplomats are looking for a way to help the US save face and to usher the West diplomatically out the door. I hope this is the case. The carnage in the Middle East, especially after the 911 false flag, is testament to the fact that a unipolar world is too dangerous for humanity.
Listening to diplomats can be confusing though. The Dirty War of aggression against Syria was planned well in advance. The lies and diplomatic scripts were wrapped around the invasion plans once the plans were complete. Intelligence agencies decided well in advance to use so-called “Islamic Militants” to fight the war. Saudi Arabia, a close ally of the West, is an incubator for these mercenaries, and Israel needs them as well to create their dream of a Greater Israel.
The story of the White/al Qaeda Helmets is particularly brazen. The White Helmets are a creation of Purpose Inc., and they, like all the fake NGOs, are embedded with the terrorists, and serve to advance the terrorist cause of regime change. Yet it is this same group that is vying for a Nobel Peace Prize. If they win their award, it will be further testament to the contamination of the Western mind-set, to the success of fake NGOs, and to the effectiveness of Public Relations “perception managers”.
All of the different names for terrorist groups are part of the psychological operation. Syrians trying to live their lives refer to them all as “Daesch”. Syrian writer Afraa Dagher, for instance, calls ISIS fiction. She’s right. It is well-documented that there are not and that there never were “moderate” terrorists.
Al Qaeda is the designated scape-goat to mislead the Western public, and to serve as a pretext to invade the world in a “war on terrorism”, which is itself a war for terrorism (since terrorists are the Western assets).
In Syria, the designated enemies are al Qaeda, ISIS etc. when in reality they are the “strategic assets”. This is well-documented using admissions and documents from Western sources.
It is also well-documented that the West has a long history of creating, using, and supporting un-Islamic “Islamic Militants”. Al Qaeda were proxies for the West in Afghanistan, in Bosnia, in Libya, in Iraq and now in Syria. The West calls them al Nursra Front in Syria. The West uses these proxies as ground troops with a view to maintaining “plausible deniability” and distancing themselves from their assets’ crimes. The West has always claimed that it fights for freedom and democracy, and now for “humanitarian” reasons — but they are all Big Lies, and they always were. The West is trying to destroy Syria because Syria is deemed to be an impediment to the West’s global hegemony and its projects for parasitical corporate globalization. Public assets, including free education, free public healthcare, and values such as equality, and democracy, are enemies to corporate globalists.
This puts me in a somewhat awkward position in Syria. Canada’s unspoken allies are the terrorists – all of them – so informed Syrians who haven’t read my articles may resent the Canadian flags on my luggage. Terrorists, on the other hand, might welcome the sight of my flags, since the Canadian government supports the terrorists, but I have no intention to befriend terrorists operating in Syria, and every intention to befriend those who oppose the terrorists — the Canadian government doesn’t represent my views on this matter.
Author’s Note: Many people have wished me well and wished and wished me a safe journey. Some people have donated money. I am grateful for the best wishes, and the donations. Mark Taliano will be reporting from Syria.