Russia, Iran, May Create New Way to Deliver Humanitarian Aid to Syria


Iran and Turkey could assist Russia if Greece fulfills the US’ request to close its airspace to Russian aircraft carrying humanitarian aid to war-torn Syria.

Since the very beginning of the Syrian crisis, Tehran, along with Moscow, has persistently called for the peaceful settlement and supported the people of Syria, without meddling in the country’s domestic affairs.

This time, it looks like Russia might have a real chance of cooperating and contributing to the resolution of the conflict amid the West’s efforts to cut humanitarian aid supplies to Damascus.The US’ attempt to pressure Greece is nothing but a blatant violation of international law and “groundless hysteria,” analyst Emad Abshenass told Sputnik Persian.

“The US’ request should be strictly condemned on the basis of the principles of international law. No rule by any international organization can create obstacles for the delivery of humanitarian supplies,” he said.

However, if Greece closes its airspace to Russian humanitarian planes it still has ways to deliver its aid to Syria, including with the help of the Iranian government, he noted.

Moscow and Tehran will never abandon their efforts to help the people of Syria. For Greece, the denial would only deteriorate its relations with Russia, Abshenass said.

“Nowadays, we’re witnessing the disastrous consequences of the US policy in the Middle East. Refugees flee Syria where Washington and its allies have provided support to terrorists. Such a policy could only aggravate the crisis. Now, Europe is reaping the harvest,” the analyst explained.

Seyed Hadi Afgahi, an Iranian political analyst and diplomat, also believes that Russia can rely on Iran for assistance in delivering humanitarian aid to Syria.”Currently, Greece is plunged into a deep economic crisis which can only be overcome with the help of some European countries. However, those countries coordinate their policy with Washington. As a result, the US is trying to pressure the weak Greece to obstruct the delivery of Russian humanitarian aid to Damascus. No doubt, it is a serious violation of international law,” he told Sputnik Persian.

“At the same time, the US is continuing to supply the Islamic State (ISIL) terrorist organization with weapons, medicines and food. Washington takes care only of its own interests,” he added.

The Russian mission to Syria is a humanitarian mission, and it can be inspected by international rights organizations, including the International Committee of the Red Cross, Afgahi continued.

“I think Russia and Iran could create a new way to deliver humanitarian aid to Syria which would be approved by international organizations,” he said.

“What is also important, Moscow and Tehran share the same stance on tackling regional crises, including the peaceful settlement and the need to counter the US destructive policy in the Middle East.”Turkey could also take part in the humanitarian mission for Syria, but as a NATO member country it has less freedom to make decisions of this kind, Afgahi underscored.

Russia and Iran would make the perfect duo in addressing problems in the region, including the Syrian conflict and the delivery of humanitarian supplies to the country, he hypothesized.

“If Russia and Iran develop their cooperation it would be a great humanitarian initiative and the world would see the real face of US foreign policy in the region,” he concluded.

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