As Donald Trump announces his decision at 2 pm Tuesday on staying in the Iran nuclear deal, the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity urge him in this memo exclusive to Consortium News not to base his decision on fabricated evidence.
Other News
2018: When Orwell’s 1984 stopped being fiction
Like the aggressive wars of “humanitarian intervention” the west is waging across the oil-rich areas of the Middle East, the cruelty is actually kindness. Those who object, those who demur, do so only because they are in the financial or ideological grip of the mastermind Putin.
This is the moment when war becomes peace, freedom becomes slavery, ignorance becomes strength.
Andrew Tyler, Pierre le Corf and the Defence of the Powerless
While on my recent trip to Syria I met the fabulous Pierre le Corf, who has not only helped so many children who have suffered in the conflict there, but has also opened an animal sanctuary in Aleppo. I put to Pierre while filming him that many people would ask why, amidst so much human suffering, he would choose to help animals? His reply was both moving and profound.
Midnight in WaterlooStrangers passThey don’t know what’s going onBehind smoked glassHe took off his clothesAnd I had to gaspI wasn’t gonna fuck himBut it happened so fast DriveHe drivesHe looks so good in that suit when he drivesDriveHe drivesHe took me in the back seat and Made me come alive He was so damn beautifulI couldn’t resistMy last train homeWould […]
RT talks to Mike Raddie
Following the recent cruise missile strikes on Syria by USA, UK and France RT discusses fallout especially now OPCW investigation has begun.
BSNews talks with Tom Duggan
BSNews was invited for supper by Tom Duggan and his family in Damascus. Mike and Tom setup cameras for an informal chat on the balcony.
BSNews talks with Pierre le Corf
BSNews co-ed Alison Banville: “While on my recent trip to Syria I met the fabulous Pierre le Corf, who has not only helped so many children who have suffered in the conflict there, but has also opened an animal sanctuary in Aleppo. I put to Pierre while filming him that many people would ask why, amidst so much human suffering, he would choose to help animals? His reply was both moving and profound.”
For many Aboriginal people, the Commonwealth Games, previously the British Empire Games, represents the continuing legacy of settler-colonialism in this country. It is an opportunity to raise our voices on the world stage – to show how the colonial project is still alive in the lived experience of Aboriginal people, from the black jailing rates, to the skyrocketing rates of child removal, to the life expectancy gaps, to homelessness, and poverty and violence.
The Isolation of Julian Assange Must Stop
We call on the government of Ecuador to allow Julian Assange his right of freedom of speech.
Putin Is Not Rattling Nuclear Sabers – It’s Real
The annual speech of Russian President Vladimir Putin on March 1 to the Russian Federal Assembly, televised to the nation, contained a section on Russian military cutting edge technologies that NATO-friendly media chose to either downplay as a propaganda ploy or an election campaign stunt.
The British Government is “Talking War With Russia”: The Mysterious Skripal Incident-Another Anti-Russian Provocation
The British government is talking war with Russia over a mysterious incident that is claimed to have taken place on Sunday March 4, just a few kilometres from the secrecy shrouded British biological and chemical warfare research and development facility at Porton Down in Wiltshire. I say claimed since we have very little information confirming what exactly took place outside of government statements and we have seen no photographs of the alleged victims in their hospital beds to convince us that the alleged victims did fall ill and are being treated.
Boyfriend Material
He wasn’t boyfriend material He was too easy to draw into my orbit With only the gravitational pull Of my indifferent erotic ozone. I didn’t mean to do it I didn’t even direct it at him The aroma of it just hit his nostrils and he Followed its scent In a neanderthal stupour It wasn’t flattering He was just obeying […]