Sunday 11 November 2018 will be the 100th anniversary of the 1918 Armistice. In the run up to that centenary, Veterans For Peace UK aim to resurrect the slogan Never Again which was widely used by the public in the years after the First World War.
Never Again was a rally cry from the people who had lost friends, family or a part of themselves during WWI. That same sentiment holds true 100 years on. That Never Again should such incredible carnage and havoc be visited upon civilians or military personnel. Never Again should militarism, imperialism or nationalism drag a country into avoidable conflict. A century of continuous global warfare later, and at a time of increasing nationalism and militarism, it is important to represent the people of 1918’s true sentiment. Never Again.
Veterans For Peace UK carry this slogan to The Cenotaph each Remembrance Sunday and we think it could be more widely used by the public.
We are publishing a series of articles under the heading Never Again, that will focus on the human costs of the First World War and highlight the many conflicts we have fought since ‘The war to end all wars’.
Members of VFP UK will be out on the streets in the run up to Armistice Day displaying our Never Again banner and engaging with the public.
We have produced a clothing range with Never Again on the front and the numbers 1918-2018 printed on the back which feature the list of wars that Britain has fought since the “war to end all wars” finished in 1918. All money raised goes towards funding our Annual Gathering which culminates with our ceremony at The Cenotaph on Sunday 11 November 2018.
Get involved:
Read and share our series of Never Again articles
Register for our Annual Gathering
Make a donation to Veterans For Peace UK