Murder in Syria: Illegally Present US Forces Kill SAA Soldier at Checkpoint

Locals have gathered around the checkpoint to provide support in case the Americans try to attack again’

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Martyred Syrian Arab Army soldier Malik Ahmed Al-Muhaimid, murdered yesterday by US forces

Above is Syrian Arab Army soldier Malik Ahmed Al-Muhaimid who was murdered yesterday morning by US forces at a checkpoint in Tal al-Dhahab, southeast of Qamishi, after a patrol of American troops was stopped from passing through it.

Via Ibrahim Muhammad, resident of Aleppo:

“Rasho” guarding checkpoint is a regular #Syrian_Arab_Army checkpoint of around 4 to 6 personnel who only have light weapons, which is stationed in the southern countryside of #Qamishli and has prevented an #American patrol consisting of several armored vehicles from crossing north towards Qamishli Airport this morning.

The American soldiers threatened the Syrian soldiers, and a clash erupted between the two sides, which developed because the Americans shot at the legs of the Syrian soldiers, wounding one of them. The Syrian soldiers responded with direct fire, wounding three American soldiers, one of them was seriously injuried and the armored vehicles have immediately evacuated them.

The American patrol returned to #SDF (#Qasad) gangs checkpoint and stopped there near the town of Tal al-Dahab. Shortly after, #US military helicopters bombed the checkpoint, murdering a #Syrian soldier and wounding another.

Locals have gathered around the checkpoint to provide support in case the Americans try to attack again.

#US patrol consists of 3 to 4 armoured vehicles equipped with medium and heavy machine guns attacks an isolated #SAA checkpoint consists of 4 to 6 soldiers equipped with their AK47 and their faith in their homeland.
The results were wounding 3 of the occupation forces, retreating of the patrol like the cowards they are, sending their helicopters to revenge for them by destroying the #SAA checkpoint, murdering a Syrian hero and wounding 2 others.
Our message is very clear :
#This_is_Syria YOU WILL NOT PASS.

Syria Insider reports:

The people of #Hasaka province staged two protest stands in #Hasaka city and #Qamishli on Tuesday to denounce the US attack against A Syrian Arab Army’s checkpoint in Tal al-Zahab in #Qamishli countryside.

The protesters condemned the #US attack against the Syrian Arab Army checkpoint in Tal al-Zahab in Qamishli countryside, calling for resisting the US occupation, rallying around the Syrian Arab Army and activating the role of the popular resistance to expel the occupation forces which violates the Syrian sovereignty and loots the country’s resources.

Image may contain: one or more people, crowd and outdoor, text that says 'SANA'
Image may contain: 1 person, standing, crowd and outdoor
Image may contain: one or more people, people standing and outdoor

BSN: None of this will ever be reported in western mainstream media. And certainly the people of my own country, the UK, will never be told that US forces are on the ground in Syria in breach of international law! They are there illegally, on sovereign Syrian territory. This is a fact. Their very presence is a criminal act, and therefore, how much more heinous is the murder of a Syrian on his own land who was defending his own country!

Imagine for one moment Syrian forces on US soil, lording it over the highways of New York or LA, and demanding to roll their tanks along them in defiance of international law and the will of the people, and you may get an inkling of how outrageous is the behaviour of the United States, this rogue terrorist state.

The Syrian Arab Army is made up of Syrian citizens defending their homeland as they have EVERY right to do! And the quote above reporting that locals surrounded the checkpoint in support of them crushes the lie of the western media which pushes the absurd propaganda line that the people of Syria live in fear of their army.

The people of Syria ARE the Syrian Arab Army, and the loss of every single Syrian soldier is a crime against all legal and moral law. Every one of them is a hero, when that word has been devalued by misuse and application to western armies by corporate media in an effort to paint their huge crimes as legitimate and mitigate and quieten the suspicions of their populations.

In Syria, they know what a real hero is. They know what they are fighting for. And they know, as President Assad has stated, that ‘every inch of Syria’ will be cleansed of the disease of foreign actors.

Syrian Wissam Suliman writes of this criminal act:

‘Yesterday, coward American soldiers added another crime to their endless list of crimes by cowardly murdering one and injuring two of our heroic Syrian Arab Army soldiers using their heavy machine guns – our soldiers were armed with nothing but love for their country, bravery, their willingness to sacrifice every drop of blood they have to defend Syria, and their “AK47″s.

This crime is a step further towards the destined ending of US unwelcomed presence in our region. Resistance is our one and only option, we all know that, and every Syrian will be part of that resistance one way or another. History has proven that there is no one stronger than those who fight to defend their land, their rights and the well-being of their loved ones.’

Alison Banville is co-editor of BSNews.

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