By Christos Giovanopoulos Solidarity For All
No to blackmails. We do not submit. We are not afraid. We will win.
Dear All
First of all many and wholeheartedly thanks for your solidarity and mobilizations so far. All together around Europe we have shown that hope for change in Europe is growing and that a transnational movement from below seems more tangible than few weeks ago. However the fight it won’t be easy and it is going to last as the increasing blackmails and threats against a determined Greek position show.
Last week’s rallies and protests, in Greece and in Europe, opposing the pressures by EU and government officials, as well as from rating agencies (Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s downgraded Greece), were only the beginning of a new phase of our social and political conflict.
Rallies of defiance have been called for the 11th and 15th of February in more than 15 cities in Greece and 11 cities in 8 European countries. The first date (Wednesday 11/02) coincides with the emergency Eurogroup meeting, which will discuss the Greek case, and the second (Sunday 15/02) is the eve of the scheduled Eurogroup meeting and of Dijsselbloem’s ultimatum for Greece to comply with the current bailout program’s.
We hope that the calls and solidarity actions will grow even more on Greek and international level and we encourage you to do your best in turning the conflict over Greece in a change for all Europe and beyond.
In Solidarity for All’s facebook international page you can find updates about the activities of the grassroots solidarity movement in Greece and of the international solidarity groups. We would be happy to see your updates in the page, too.
Christos Giovanopoulos
Solidarity for All