I wanna break lockdown with you
Look what it’s turned me into
Fuck Thursday clapping!
I’d rather a nap
Than perform like a seal in a zoo
I wanna break lockdown with you
I’m cooking for one, not two
Got no other half
And no bloody staff
So what is a girl to do?
I wanna break lockdown with you
Solo pleasure is making me blue
It’s not a replacement for
Whips in your basement
My dog collar’s missing you too
I wanna break lockdown with you
And I’m willing to break all taboos
So let’s meet after dark
For a bonk in the park
If it’s cold we’ll break into the loos
I wanna break the lockdown with you
The Elites are all doing it too!
Fergi and Cummings
Have both had their run-ins
Do they know something we should know too?
I wanna break lockdown with you
We’ll just say we thought we were immune!
If those in high places
Can lie to our faces
Then we will start playing their tune
I wanna break lockdown with you
Not hard to see what’s really true
Their message we hear
It’s loud and it’s clear –
‘Do as we say, don’t do as we do’
I wanna break lockdown with you
We’ll role play just like we used to
But don’t play Bill Gates
‘Cos my pussy just hates
Him, and he’s already fucking us too
I wanna break lockdown with you
Who is funding? I’ll give you a clue
Was it one hundred million
Gates handed to Ferguson?
No…my friends, it was two!
I wanna break lockdown with you
It was modeled with no peer review
The World Bank is paying
Big Pharma is praying
We all do what we’re told to do
I wanna break lockdown with you
The profits they stand to accrue
If we give up our rights
With no thought and no fight
Will be unprecedentedly huge
I wanna break lockdown with you
How are we all to construe?
The funding of people
Who hope we’ll be sheeple
And rot in a self-imposed zoo
I wanna break lockdown with you
And I’ll give you some breaking news
It’s deadly effects
Have been expertly guessed
To be one fifty thousand, it’s true
I wanna break lockdown with you
If they win then we’re all gonna lose
A track and a trace
For their fat database
‘Is of great benefit’- but ask, whose?
I wanna break the lockdown with you
And if you’d walked a mile in my shoes
You’d know that I mean it
When I shout and scream it –
I won’t live a life I don’t choose!
I wanna break the lockdown with you
And defy this political tool
So our fucking’s resistance
My vital insistence
On freedom to spend time with a man I won’t lose
I wanna break the lockdown with you
My tears have been falling like dew
I’ve missed you so much
I long for your touch
So it’s time, take my hand
We don’t live by command
We live and we love in our Truth
Alison Banville is co-editor of BSNews, a writer, singer, lyricist and performance poet.