by Heliofant
I would like to start off by saying that the film came to me in its visual form, much like a painter who sees colors and forms in his mind’s eye. And I tried to be faithful to what I saw visually without necessarily understanding what the symbols were alluding to. Some of the symbols were pretty obvious to decipher, whereas some scenes had me scratching my head and took me some time to understand.
I do not pretend to be an expert in symbology and am learning this as I go along. I do not claim any truth. As I understand it, language is an outpouring of archetypes which are much more profound and more encompassing. To try and explain the symbols with common language is slightly reductive. It’s like trying to explain a poem.
Having said that, many people have asked me to explain my work and I am sensitive to their request. So I will try to provide some possible suggestions for the interpretation to the most commonly asked questions, but hope you will keep in mind that your answer is probably better. The hope is that it will provide some stimulation for inquiry and discussion.
The Meaning
There are many themes interwoven into the film, but the main story is about the crumbling away of the hierarchical world based on control and oppression, and the rising up of spiritual man, awake to his divine nature, free of intermediaries, fire in his eyes.
About the Egyptian Symbology

The Christ character in his boat is reminiscent of Ra, the Egyptian sun god who travels the sky in his celestial boat. In the evening he descends into the underworld, a sort of death. And in the morning he is resurrected and lights up the sky. The theme of resurrection was an important motif in the life of Egyptians.
Anubis, the jackal-headed god, is the Greek name for the earlier Egyptian Deity Anapa. He is associated with the afterlife and protects the souls of men in their journey through the underworld. He also weighs the truth and the heart of those souls before deciding their fate.
Anubis is often associated with Wepwawet who has a wolf’s head and is a war deity of Egypt. He is called the opener of ways. He opens up the way for the army to move in.

I have heard many people say that the symbology is satanic in nature. I do not believe it is. It is more about the intent invested in them. In all religions there are truth seeking souls and people who corrupted the intent of the original symbols. The fear is that the film subverts the Christ symbol to the message of Satanism. I would say it is the opposite. It is about taking back the symbology that has been corrupted to degrade the human spirit and control man, and redressing those symbols, by placing the Christ at the center of the narration.
The all-seeing eye, in the elite world view, is about control and surveillance of every person and aspect of society. When placed on the Christ character, it means the opening up of the third eye or pineal gland that permits a unhindered communication with God, as well as other dimensions. In other words, clear spiritual vision. The triangle on his forehead represents Divinity and is actually a symbol found in many churches to represent the Divine Source. This is opposed to the pyramids in the final shot which represent a top down control system where each layer is manipulated through deception by the layer above it, giving the very few at the apex incredible power.

The Apple
Little Lily, our girl dressed in white, symbolizes purity. She is like the bride and holds the apple which very much looks like a stain on her immaculate dress. The apple is a symbol of sin, and shame, and all her inward divisions about herself, that have been cultivated by the rulers of society in order that she remain in her place, subservient, like the children driven to apathy behind the barbed wires. Lily sees the ridiculous spectacle in front of her and is completely exhausted. It seems she has been holding this apple forever. So she just let’s it slip away.
You’ll notice that she sits in a circle, a symbol of her wholeness and alignment in spirit. She is centered. Behind her are the symbols of nature all around, intimating that her true nature is this wholeness.
This is a starting point to the commentary. We will be expanding on this in the days and weeks to come. We hope to add a feature which will enable you to add your interpretation as well. We’ll see…
Here are two other interpretations you might find useful:
The Esoteric Symbolism of the Viral Video “I, Pet Goat II” by Vigilant Citizen
And a more complexe deciphering:
The Hidden Themes of Heliofant’s “I, Pet Goat II” by Xtraeme at