Please help our friend Nick in his fight to cure his cancer without mainstream medical intervention. This is an incredibly brave path to take and we hope you will stand with him as he raises funds for his treatment. Nick is a truly inspirational person who is already thinking about how he can help others once he has cured himself. We hope you will stand by him. Please find his Go Fund Me page here. And find our pages on Keith Mann, whom Nick references below, here.
Nick Brounos, August 2019 (see update June 2020 below):
A short while ago I was hit with the devestating news that I have been diagnosed with cancer, which has been found in 3 locations in my neck/throat region.
I’m told I’m fortunate that it has been caught early, though there remains an ‘immediate and present danger.’ if I don’t receive treatment – which they are proposing a combination of chemotherapy and radiotherapy for. NEITHER of these options do I relish the thought of, on account of the possible, horrible side effects.
For some time I have been acutely aware that my body, health and life has been out of balance, and that the time is fast approaching for drastic whoesale change. Procrastination is an all too familiar bedfellow, however, and it has taken a cancer diagnosis to finally motivate me to take positive action.
To this end I have made major changes to my diet, by cutting out all meat, fish, eggs, dairy, processed food and sugar. For the past 3 weeks I’ve been on a primarily raw vegan diet, with regular juicing of a combinations of fruits and vegetables.
I’m doing this along side taking a number of food supplements, and, together with my diet, it is all with the intention of making my body as alkaline as possible – in the hope this will contribute to my healing.
What I really want more than ever is to heal my body naturally, without having to resort to conventional treatments that carry with them potentially nasty side effects – and could well end up making feel even more sick than the cancer itself. I’ve started in this endeavour by using what little funds I have, being a temporary worker on a zero hour contract, with highly unpredictable earnings.
Receiving this news has been by far the biggest blow of my life – hands down. The ‘c’ word alone triggers a fear deep in my core, and I never, ever imagined it would happen to me!
I am a family man with 5 children (2 of whom are young adults) and much to live for – way beyond seeing them grow up and flourish into whatever they want to be/achieve.
Originally from London, I’ve lived on the West Coast of Scotland for the last few months years, as I’ve been driven up here by a vision which has burned and grown within me for a very long time. A vision which you might say is my ‘Great Work’, or my ‘Calling’, or ‘Life Work’, etc. A vision which, once realised, will carry positive benefits for Humanity and Mother Earth alike.
I’ve been vague above only because everything is still very much ‘work in progress’, in terms of turning blueprints into physical reality. Suffice to say for the purposes of this fund raiser, I say this to underpin all the reasons why I want dearly to live a full and expansive life.
I’m doing this, in part, so as to raise the funds to cover the costs of the juicing and supplements I need to compliment conventional treatment, should I end up deciding to go down that route, but essentially to allow me to comfortably focus on my healing with the things I need over the next 3-6 months – conventional or not.
In addition to my cancer diagnosis my 12 year old daughter has recently been diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, and there have been several admissions to hospital with complications in stabilising her blood sugar levels.
If that wasn’t enough my same daugher has also been subject to a number of incidents where she has been the victim of racial hatred – for which there has been police involvement.
All in all there is a huge pile to contend with overall, and this fund raise, though not a huge amount, would go a long way in helping to support my l recovery over the next few months – making things that little less stressful and more at ease.
Thank you.
Updates (2)
- JUNE 23, 2020by Nick Brounos, OrganizerGreetings all. It has been nigh on a year since I was first diagnosed with cancer, and I am still very much on a quest for a natural cure – without mainstream medical intervention. I am as determined to heal as ever! I have much to live for and much work to do, in Service to others, and this is driving the fire in my belly to get well.
Since setting up this page I have done a good deal of research and I am more convinced than ever that a natural cure to cancer is very much a possibility. Through my research I am coming to know of and connect with many across the world who are doing this very thing – which flies squarely in the face of the mainstream narrative!
More recently I have come across a particularly inspiring case of an individual called Keith Mann, who successfully cured his cancer at home, naturally. He had over 100 tumours in his body and dissolved each and every one of them himself, with no intervention form the mainstream medical establishment. That is truly amazing and very inspiring indeed!
Our bodies can heal themselves naturally, despite what we are lead to believe!
In addition to cleaning up his diet and detoxifying his system, Keith Mann raised funds to purchase an amazing piece of equipment called a Rife Machine. Essentially this machine uses various sound frequencies to destabilise and destroy cancer tumours, and it has actually been in use for over a century – but very much suppressed by the mainstream medical establishment (surprise surprise).
Anyhow, having connected with and spoken to Keith Mann I now intend on getting one of these machines myself, which is approximately the cost of the amount I’m looking to raise through this page. It is my strong intention to purchase one of these machines, cure myself – and then make it available in my community for the use of others who wish to explore alternative healing modalities.
Therefore I would like to reissue my appeal to raise these much needed funds for both my own healing, and potentially for many others who I want to reach out to and help.
I hope and trust you can find in within your Spirits to dig deep and help make this a reality for me and others! I know my journey is very much the basis of my life’s work!
Here is a link to information about Dr Rife and his amazing machine, for those who wish to read further:
Thank you for reading this message. Blessings.