BBC Reporter Almost Killed by Ukrainian Shell While Accusing Rebels of Shelling

BBC Propagandist runs from incoming Ukrainian artillery, but calls it “outgoing” rebel shelling.

Apparently in the Western media, you should not believe your own eyes or reason—out is in, up is down, and left is right.

By Damir Marinovich (Russia Insider)

Ian Pannell BBCIn one more incredibly biased TV report from the Donetsk airport, a BBC journalist started accusing Donetsk self defense forces of breaking the ceasefire while almost getting killed by a Ukrainian “peace-loving” sticking-to-ceasefire shell.

First, Ian Pannell, international BBC corespondent, implicitly accuses rebels of a “scorched earth policy”.

Than in an almost surreal moment while saying that artillery fire “appears” to be mostly “outgoing”, there’s a clear and visible evidence of incoming Ukrainian fire, resulting in an dangerous explosion extremely close to and directly behind him.

Fortunately enough “outgoing fire” hasn’t landed on his thick head.

The shells at 1:03, 1:14 and 1:24 are most definitely incoming shots since one can hear the “sizzle sound”.

It is even more unbelievable that only moments after surviving Ukrainian shelling, the BBC reporter, instead of stating the obvious—that they were almost killed by Ukrainian shelling—has the audacity to state ludicrous claims that rebels are shelling themselves; thus implicitly backing up Ukrainian point of view.

So it seems that “Russian terrorists” are still shelling themselves? We remember Lugansk and pro-Ukrainian media claims that a “terrorist missile” hit an air-conditioner in the administration building, thus killing themselves; or the Odessa massacre where “Russian terrorists” were throwing Molotov cocktails from the rooftop and burned themselves alive.

To certain extent, we feel compassion with BBC employees since they need to stick to the official Westminster propaganda line (“It’s always Russia’s fault”) or risk being demoted or losing their jobs.

If you want to go up the career ladder, self-imposed censorship is a must for every journalist working in the Western mainstream media.


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