Author: 21st Century Wire

Sleepwalking Into Disaster: How US Establishment Lost Fear of Escalating Ukraine Crisis

The following interview was originally published on Sputnik News, a website which is currently banned in UK. On 9 May, US President Joe Biden signed a lend-lease Bill to streamline US lethal military aid to Ukraine, while the American press continues to present a one-sided picture of the Ukraine crisis. Vladimir Golstein, associate professor at Brown University in Rhode Island, has […]

REVEALED: Israel’s IDF Used Passenger Airliners as Cover During Christmas Day Attack on Damascus

Yesterday, Israel carried out an unprovoked Christmas Day attack against Syria. According to reports citing the Russian Ministry of Defense, six Israeli F16 fighters violated neighboring Lebanese airspace and while passing over Sidon, fired 16 laser-guided GBU-39 bombs towards targets in and around the capital city of Damascus, 14 of which were intercepted by Syrian air defense systems.  More shocking […]