Cornel West, professor of African American Studies at Princeton and of Religious Philosophy and Christian Studies at the Union Theological Seminary in New York, the most outspoken anti-imperialist lecturer and writer, the most well known defender of Black and minority civil rights since Martin Luther King Jr. and prominent member of the Democratic Socialists of America, has been for years a severe critic of the Obama administration. This week he came to say flat out that the president is a war criminal by Jay Janson
West had criticized President Obama when Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009, saying that it “would be difficult for Obama to be a war president with a peace prize.” Turned out that it was not difficult at all for Obama be “a war president with a peace prize.”
So then in April of 2011, as Obama had a bombing going that would result in the successful destruction of a small oil wealthy nation with a UN certified higher standard of living for its citizens than nine European countries, Prof. West further retracted his support for Obama, stating in an interview that Obama was “a black mascot of Wall Street oligarchs and a black puppet of corporate plutocrats. And now he has become head of the American killing machine and is proud of it.”
By November, 2012, with the third world hero, liberator, builder of his country and dangerous promoter of an Africa united against continuing European plundering, now long permanently silenced and Obama seeing now to hired and armed thugs creating the same war of faked civil war against Syria, West said in another interview that he considered Obama a “Rockefeller Republican in blackface.”
Yours truly thought that appropriate. There is somewhere on the Internet a photo David Rockefeller, whose confidants Dulles, Kissinger and Brzezinski have overseen the US undeclared wars from Korea through Syria and Africa, with his arm around the shoulders of a young Senator Obama.
Cornel West: Obama ‘Is a War Criminal’ May 12, 2013, Guardian, UK In an interview with the Guardian, renowned Prof. Cornel West, a prolific critic of the “military-industrial-complex” and rampant “plutocracy” in the U.S. and around the world, explained his views on the state of America today and his fall from grace, by design, with President Barack Obama: “He’s just too tied to Wall Street. And at this point he is a war criminal.”
Prof. West said he was “someone who actively campaigned for the man, only to be quickly and vastly disappointed,” ???
But the man as candidate had promised to bomb Pakistan and send 30,000 extra Americans to innocent Afghanistan, and he did not disappoint.
West said, “King died fighting not just against poverty but against carpet-bombing in Vietnam; the war crimes under Nixon and Kissinger.” Right! But King said that America, Americans, and he included himself, are responsible for the atrocity wars and covert homicide on three continents because we are capable of making them unacceptable and inoperable through non-participation, non-cooperation, non-support, non-acquiescence and conscientious objection.
[see King Condemned US Wars International Awareness Campaign and Prosecute US Crimes Against Humanity Now Campaign click here – (Prof. West is an endorser of the King Condemned US Wars Campaign and is quoted on the Prosecute US Crimes Against Humanity Now educational website, “The drones are war crimes.”)
In his famous sermon on year to the day before being shot in the head, King spoke to America and Americans and did not even mention then president, Lyndon Johnson, let alone blame HIM for the horrific crimes against humanity in Vietnam which he detailed along with US crimes in Asia, Latin America and Africa. By this perception, Cornel West, being his own man, is an infinitely more important person than a usual lackey president like Obama, Obama being the first black chosen by the white establishment notwithstanding.
West: “I think there is a chance of a snowball in hell that he will ever be tried, but I think he should be tried”
Wrong! Obama is to young to escape to escape indictment in the coming prosecution of the US crimes against humanity in nearly a hundred countries.
West: “he brought in Wall Street-friendly people — Tim Geithner, Larry Summers”
People OF Wall Street, not just friendly to Wall Street. Prof. West knows Summers better than any of us. Seems as if what West said two years ago, was stronger, “Obama was “a black mascot of Wall Street oligarchs and a black puppet of corporate plutocrats. And now he has become head of the American killing machine and is proud of it.”
West is edging closer and closer to the point that King had dismissed the government as the greatest purveyor, ‘purveyor’ not cause, of violence in the world and held America, Americans, responsible. King, in anguish, included himself, as responsible for OUR atrocity wars and covert homicide on three continents; because Americans are capable of making them unacceptable and inoperable through non-participation, non-cooperation, non-support, non-acquiescence and conscientious objection.
West is perhaps wise to move cautiously toward repeating this fundamental teaching of King. King’s condemnation of US Wars and violence for maintenance of unjust predatory overseas investments was not only denounced as treason in mainstream media, but also found no agreement in many or most Baptist churches, his own religious community. Today, for the successful forty-six years of tight media blackout of the Martin Luther King Jr. that condemned US wars to maintain profit margins in overseas predatory investments, few of Prof. West’s audience and readership know King except as a civil rights hero.
Hat’s off to Cornel West for moving in the right direction. Not easy for anyone, let alone a black man, to denounce the only black president that the establishment has seen fit to put in.
Mainstream America, long aware of the damage Wall Street is doing to it, is waking up to what Americans, disinformed by Wall Street media and politicians beholden, are doing to the humanity overseas.
Would that we heard some words of encouragement from another even more outspoken African American Reverend, tough Jeremiah Wright, whose cry “God Damn America for her crimes against humanity!” was once reverberated around the world.