The area I was standing in was made safe only a few days previously by the SAA victory in Douma and East Ghouta as a whole. Under the surrender terms Jaysh al Islam agreed to release all their kidnapped civilians, a number believed to be around 5000. All the families of these disappeared turned up hoping to be reunited with them, but only 200 people emerged from the tunnels. The others had all been killed.
Search Results for "dispatches from damascus"
Dispatches From Damascus Part Four: A Conversation With A Syrian Army Captian
It’s difficult to convey the absolute love and esteem the Syrian people have for their army, which is made up of, as BSNews co-ed Mike Raddie says, the sons, daughters, fathers, brothers and sisters of Syrian families. The Syrian Army IS the Syrian people! And so the very idea they would be ‘killing their own people is utterly absurd! Last night we had dinner with friends who live in Damascus and they’d invited a young Syrian Army soldier friend to join us. He is only 22. It saddened me that he’s spent his young life having to fight. And fight off an existential threat to his country. But Syrians know what awaits them if they lose.
Dispatches from Damascus. Part Three
There’s no reason to take Western powers’ ‘motives’ in Syria at face value. ALISON BANVILLE reports from Damascus
Dispatches from Damascus. Part Two
Can you imagine being invited into an English school on the spur of the moment and getting a welcome like this?
Dispatches from Damascus. Part One
USA, France and UK paid a collective cost of around $1.4 billion to fire their cruise missiles. It cost Syria about $1.4 million in air defence technology to defend itself against the attack. Call me a cynic but this looks awfully like a massive western money laundering operation to benefit Raytheon, Boeing and other corporate interests in the military industrial complex.
BSNews co-editor’s trip to Syria
Hello, I’m Alison Banville, co-editor of BSNews. This is my crowdfunder for my upcoming trip to Syria: I have made two trips to Syria with my co-editor, Mike Raddie. In 2017 we visited Aleppo, Homs and Damascus, during which we interviewed Aleppo MP Fares Shehabi and talked to people on the ground in East Aleppo, Jebrin refugee camp and in the previously occupied […]
Hold The Front Page. The Reporters Are Missing
In Britain, just one website offers consistently independent media criticism. This is the remarkable Media Lens – remarkable partly because its founders and editors as well as its only writers, David Edwards and David Cromwell, since 2001 have concentrated their gaze not on the usual suspects, the Tory press, but the paragons of reputable liberal journalism: the BBC, the Guardian, Channel 4 News.
Russia’s Relationship With Israel And The S-300 Controversy
At the end of the day, Putin’s interests are essentially Russian interests. Putin wants to see an end to the encircling of Russia and the economic isolation foisted onto it by the West. Putin does not want to see Russia’s strategic ally destroyed but Putin has also negotiated his own deals with the Syrian government that not only see Russian bases and ports established in the country but mining rights for Russian companies.
U.S. Murders 100 Syrian Soldiers, Claims “Self-Defense” In Country America Invaded And Occupies
The U.S. attack represents yet another brazen act of hubris and arrogance that goes hand in hand with the Western imperialism which has seen the United States and NATO march across the world, leaving nothing but their bloody footprints behind them.
On Returning From Syria: More Convinced Than Ever Western Media Narrative Is Bullshit
Syria is a special country and most Syrians are conscious of that. It is not an abstraction to the people who live there. Having dinner in a hotel restaurant in Damascus, we met a Syrian couple who expressed their own knowledge that Syria was a special country on every level and how they were themselves tied to that land in a way in which most people would have no understanding. Truly, the blood of the land runs in their veins.
Propagandist Robert Ford Goes For Round Two With Syria Researcher Vanessa Beeley … And Loses!
In early January, 2016 Syria Researcher Vanessa Beeley found herself in the midst of a Twitter debate with none other than terrorist supporter and death squad organizer Robert Ford. The former U.S. Ambassador was apparently upset with Beeley’s challenge to the official State Department narrative of “Assad’s brutality” and shortly commenced to debating her in a private message.
Breaking the last taboo – Gaza and the threat of world war
The attack on Gaza was an attack on all of us. The siege of Gaza is a siege of all of us. The denial of justice to Palestinians is a symptom of much of humanity under siege and a warning that the threat of a new world war is growing by the day.